الأحد, مارس 9, 2025
الأحد, مارس 9, 2025
Home » Sexual assault charges laid against Nova Scotia RCMP civilian member

Sexual assault charges laid against Nova Scotia RCMP civilian member

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CITYnews halifax \ By Dan Ahlstrand

A Windsor Junction man who works for the RCMPs Protective Technical Services Section has been charged with sexual assault after a complaint last month.

In her complaint to police, a woman alleged that she had been assaulted several times and that Connors had been on duty or travelling on government business at the time.

RCMP contacted The province’s Serious Incident Response Team, but the investigation was handed back to the Mounties as the incidents did not fall under SIRT’s mandate.

46-year-old Shane Connors of Windsor Junction was arrested on March 16th and was suspended from duty. He was later released on conditions.

On Monday, the Yarmouth/Clare RCMP Street Crime Enforcement Unit announced that they charged Connors with four counts of sexual assault, and he is scheduled to appear in court May 8th.

In a statement, Commanding Officer of the Nova Scotia RCMP Assistant Commissioner Dennis Daley said, “I commend the victim’s courage for coming forward and reporting these incidents, and for her support of the continuing investigation. The RCMP’s victim services unit is engaged as are community-based supports.”

“The RCMP takes all allegations of sexual violence very seriously, but when it involves an RCMP employee who is expected to conduct themselves in a manner that not only meets but exceeds the rightfully high expectations of Canadians, it’s deeply disturbing.” Said Daley

Investigators with the Nova Scotia RCMP say they are concerned there may be additional victims and are encouraging others to come forward by contacting their local police or RCMP detachment.

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