الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
Home » Shannon Park proposed development agreement approved

Shannon Park proposed development agreement approved

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Here’s a look at the timeline from redevelopment concept to city hall consent

CITYnews halifax \ Michael Lightstone

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Several years in the making, the proposal to redevelop Shannon Park in Dartmouth took a big leap forward Thursday.

Following a public hearing, a draft development agreement between the federal Crown corporation that owns the former military lands and Halifax Regional Municipality was approved by the five-member Harbour East-Marine Drive Community Council.

Among other things, the almost 34-hectare site will include more than 20 city blocks, some 3,000 housing units and 6.6 hectares of parkland. Affordable housing is to be a portion of the build. The plan also calls for an Indigenous-led project on about 3.6 hectares to be managed by the Millbrook First Nation.

The following are steps taken along the long, headline-making road from redevelopment concept to city hall consent.

  • 2014 Canada Lands Company acquires the Shannon Park site, near the MacKay Bridge, from the Department of National Defence.
  • 2015 A Canada Lands “ideas fair” in Dartmouth sees many area residents and other people learn about the multi-year project and consider what the eventual layout might look like.
  • 2016-17 Buildings in the former military housing district are demolished. (Derelict sports fields at Shannon Park are lands to be part of the redevelopment.)
  • 2017 Canada Lands builds a seasonal trail loop and harbour lookout, for walkers, joggers and cyclists, to commemorate Canada’s 150th birthday. It’s a wheelchair-accessible attraction.
  • 2022 Lengthy negotiations between HRM and Canada Lands, on the proposed development agreement, continue. Municipal staff are completing a detailed review of the project which leads to a draft agreement to present to community council.
  • January 2023 After extensive public consultation over the years, Harbour East-Marine Drive Community Council moves the Shannon Park plan to a formal public hearing.
  • February 2023 Community council green-lights the draft development agreement following the public hearing. Canada Lands intends to begin servicing Shannon Park lots in 2024, for sale to developers, according to council member David Hendsbee, who represents Preston-Chezzetcook-Eastern Shore. He said Friday the matter “may come back” for approval of any major amendments to the agreement that could be required.

Michael Lightstone is a freelance reporter living in Dartmouth

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