الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
Home » Medals for North American Indigenous Games showcase Mi’kmaq culture

Medals for North American Indigenous Games showcase Mi’kmaq culture

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The medals were designed by student Ella Scothorn, from the community of Hardwoodlands, and finalized by Mi’kmaq artist Tayla Fern Paul

CITYnews halifax \ Canadian Press

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MILLBROOK, N.S. — Medals to be awarded at this summer’s North American Indigenous Games in Nova Scotia will showcase Mi’kmaq art, including a traditional eight-pointed star.

Organizers revealed the design today and said Indigenous athletes from across the continent will take home nearly 3,000 gold, silver and bronze medals from thesporting competitions set for July.

The design also includes a symbol that represents the word “L’nu,” which Mi’kmaq use to describe themselves, and features cultural drawings and etchings meant to represent what happens when people follow their dreams.

The ribbon the medals will hang from features the logo of the Games and the Mi’kmaq word, “Kjipuktuk,” which means “Great Harbour.”

The medals were designed by student Ella Scothorn, from the community of Hardwoodlands, and finalized by Mi’kmaq artist Tayla Fern Paul.

George (Tex) Marshall, president of the Games, says the design captures the spirit of the Games and of the host Mi’kmaq people.

Scothorn, who created the initial medal design in Grade 6 and is now in Grade 9, says she is proud to see her drawings reproduced on the medals, especially the eight-pointed star representing the territory where competitors will gather.

“I was inspired by the Mi’kmaq star and its significance within Indigenous culture,” she said in a press release.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 17, 2023.

The Canadian Press

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