الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
Home » What’s open and what’s closed on Heritage Day

What’s open and what’s closed on Heritage Day

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Heritage Day 2023 will recognize Mi’kmaw poet Rita Joe

CITYnews halifax \ Meghan Groff

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Heritage Day is Monday.

This year, Nova Scotia will recognize writer and poet laureate of the Mi’kmaq nation, Elder Rita (Bernard) Joe.

Here’s a look at what will be open and closed this weekend in the Halifax area.


Heritage Day is a designated retail closing day in Nova Scotia.

This means you can expect most stores and businesses to be shut down Monday, including chain grocery stores, NSLCs and malls.

Many pharmacies will be open, however some may have reduced hours of operation Monday. It’s best to check with an individual store for more details.

Expect banks to be closed Monday.

Several other businesses may be closed or have reduced operating hours. Call ahead or check the website or social media of a specific business to get more information.


Halifax Transit buses and the Alderney Ferry will be operating on holiday service on Heritage Day.

There will be no Woodside ferry service on Monday.

On-street parking spaces will be free on Monday.


All locations and departments of Halifax Public Libraries will be closed on Monday

The Emera Oval will be closed starting Saturday as it is used for the PEI 2023 Canada Winter Games long-track speed skating events. It’s expected to reopen Sunday, Feb. 26.

The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and Maritime Museum of the Atlantic will be open with free admission.

Several municipal recreation facilities will be closed on Heritage Day, residents are asked to call their facility for more specific information.


Canada Post will be collecting and delivering mail on Monday.

HRM says there will be no municipal solid waste collection services Monday. If that’s your day, put your garbage, organics and recyclables curbside on Saturday, February 18.

The Otter Lake Waste Management Facility and Municipal Recycling Plant will be closed on Monday, but will be open during regular operating hours on Saturday.

The Household Special Waste Depot in Bayers Lake will be closed this Saturday.

The 311 Contact Centre will be operating regular hours on Monday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

In-person Contact Centres will be closed on Monday.

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Editor-in-Chief : Nabil El-bkaili