الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
Home » ‘We are holding people responsible for their actions:’ HRM steps up battle against illegal dumping

‘We are holding people responsible for their actions:’ HRM steps up battle against illegal dumping

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Three people have been ticketed since November and penalties range from $500 to $10,000

CITYnews halifax \ Meghan Groff

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The Halifax Regional Municipality has stepped up its battle against illegal dumping.

Last year, council approved enhanced measures of enforcement, including penalties ranging from $500 to $10,000.

The team lead of HRM’s solid waste department says since the municipality launched its illegal dumping and anti-litter campaign in November, three people have been ticketed.

“And in addition, we have required three separate offenders to clean up their illegal dumping,” Kirk Symonds told CityNews Halifax. “So we are holding people responsible for their actions.”

HRM has also hired more enforcement staff and introduced a “reverse-onus” policy.

“That means if we find your name or address in illegally dumped waste, you’re deemed to be the owner of the material, and unless you can provide the name of the person who actually dumped it, you’ll get the ticket,” Symonds explained.

However the overall goal isn’t punishment, it’s to reduce the amount of illegal dumping and littering taking place.

Symonds said a lot of items they find in illegal dump piles can easily be disposed of legally and for free.

“I’m sure at some point you’ve seen a couch or a bed illegally dumped,” he said, “but in HRM, we’ll pick up one bulky item per collection.”

“It makes you wonder why people are disposing of these illegally when they simply can do it at their curbside.”

Tires are another item often illegally dumped, but those can be returned to any tire retailer in the province for recycling free of charge.

Throwing your trash in a business’s bin or dropping your bags off in front of someone else’s house also counts as illegal dumping.

Dump sites and violators can be reported by calling 311.

Symonds said changing people’s habits will take time, but for now, enforcement officers are watching and writing tickets.

“The least responsible thing you can do with your waste is illegally dump it,” Symonds said.

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Betmate 6 يوليو، 2022 - 4:11 م

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