الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
Home » There was no bear attack in Eastern Passage, says DNRR

There was no bear attack in Eastern Passage, says DNRR

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CITYnews halifax / By Mark Hodgins

The department of Natural Resources now says an incident in Eastern Passage on Monday morning was not a bear attack.

“After a thorough investigation, Natural Resources and Renewables has concluded that the August 26 incident on the Shearwater Flyer Trail in Cole Harbour was not a bear or wildlife attack,” the department said in a statement to 95.7 NewsRadio. “DNRR set up an incident management team, including staff, conservation officers, a DNRR helicopter, and partnered with local law enforcement to thoroughly investigate the matter and no confirming evidence was found at the scene.”

The department said bear traps on the trail were being removed, and the pathway would be reopened by 3 p.m. Tuesday.

The trail was closed on Monday after emergency crews responded to an injured person around 8 a.m.

“The Department cannot speculate on what may or may not have happened outside of a potential wildlife attack; police would need to speak to how the person sustained injuries,” the statement read.

The RCMP says it responded to reports of a man who said he had been attacked by a bear, and the man presented with non-life-threatening injuries.

Police did not explain how the man suffered those injuries.

“Police do not believe that criminality was a factor in how this man sustained the injuries, and the police investigation concluded with the referral on August 26 to DNRR,” Cpl. Carlie McCann told 95.7 NewsRadio. “The investigation can be reopened if police receive new information.”

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