السبت, مارس 1, 2025
السبت, مارس 1, 2025
Home » Storm closures and cancellation:  Wednesday Feb. 14, 2024

Storm closures and cancellation:  Wednesday Feb. 14, 2024

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CITYnews halifax / By Dan Ahlstrand

A winter storm has forced some closures and cancellations Wednesday:


All schools in Halifax Regional Centre for Education are closed today

NSCC Metro Campuses (Ivany, Aviation, IT and Akerley) will be closed today due to road conditions and snow removal.

Dalhousie Halifax campuses closed Wednesday February 14, 2024 due to weather. Truro campus will delay opening until 12 PM.

Mount Saint Vincent University will delay opening until at least 12 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, February 14. On-campus classes regularly scheduled for before this time are cancelled and all buildings will remain closed.

SMU is closed for the day. In-person and online classes, as well as other on-campus activities, are cancelled.

All NSCAD campuses will remain closed due to storm clean up and transit interruptions. There will be no classes (either online and in-person) or access to studio spaces.

CCRCE schools have been closed for the day

SRCE schools are closed today

TCRCE schools in Yarmouth & Shelburne counties will be closed today. Digby county will remain open.

All SSRCE schools will be closed today. Offices and worksites will have a delayed start of 11 a.m.

AVRCE schools are open, Bus drivers will use their discretion on roads

Halifax Transit

Halifax Transit bus services will be suspended until 8 a.m.

Emergency Operations Centre open

The municipality activated its Emergency Operations Centre.  The EOC is staffed by employees from across the organization and provides a central place to coordinate emergency management.

Municipal offices

All municipal offices, including in-person Customer Service Centres and the Planning & Development permit office, will be delaying opening until 10 a.m., with a further update by 9 a.m.

Employees who can work from home are being asked to do so.

All essential services, as well as 311, winter operations and Halifax Transit will maintain operations.

Provincial offices

Provincial government offices in Halifax Regional Municipality will delay opening until 10 a.m. due to transit delays caused by the winter storm.

Provincial government offices in Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Richmond, Victoria, Inverness, Pictou, Antigonish and Guysborough counties will delay opening until at least noon due to impacts from the storm. An update will be available at 11 a.m.

All other provincial offices will be open.

Decisions regarding court operations are made on a case-by-case basis with the judiciary. People with matters before the court should check with their lawyer or contact the courthouse to confirm the status of their matter.

Parks & Recreation

Many municipal recreation facilities will delay opening on Wednesday, February 14. An update will be provided by 8 a.m. with a potential re-opening at 10 a.m. regarding whether rentals, facilities and programming activities will continue as scheduled.

Solid Waste

Curbside collection of solid waste is continuing as scheduled.  Due to the winter storm, residents are asked to not place waste curbside until tomorrow morning so as to not impede snow clearing operations overnight. Residents are reminded that collection can begin as early as 7 a.m.


Halifax Stanfield International Airport reporting a number of arrivals and departures have been cancelled for Wednesday morning. Passengers advised to check with their airline for the status of their flights

Support for those experiencing homelessness

The Halifax Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) team is conducting wellness checks to assess the safety of anyone who chooses not to leave an outdoor sheltering location. GSAR is also offering transportation for those sleeping rough to emergency shelters during this weather event.

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Editor-in-Chief : Nabil El-bkaili