CANADAHALIFAX news Spousal RRSPs can offer tax benefits, but experts say it might not work for everyone by admin 21 فبراير، 2023 written by admin 21 فبراير، 2023 40 Spousal RRSPs are available to married and common-law couples CITYnews halifax \ Craig Wong, The Canadian Press Listen to this article OTTAWA — Canadian couples looking to save money in retirement may turn to spousal RRSP accounts, though financial experts caution it might not work for everyone. Aba Quarshie, a financial planner at RBC in Almonte, Ont., said in order for a couple to benefit from a spousal RRSP there generally need to be differences between the partners. “We are looking for imbalances in incomes and also perhaps imbalances in age, so that’s usually where we see the greatest benefit,” she said. “It’s not for everybody. What is good for your neighbour might not necessarily be good for you.” Spousal RRSPs are available to married and common-law couples, who can use the savings vehicle to help even out income levels in retirement and reduce the total amount of taxes that you both may owe. In a spousal RRSP, one partner makes a contribution to an account in their spouse’s name while receiving the tax deduction on their own return. The contribution amount is limited by your RRSP contribution room. The contributions do not affect your spouse’s contribution limit to their plan. Advisers say typically, a higher income spouse makes a contribution to a spousal RRSP belonging to a partner in a lower tax bracket. Quarshie said there can be advantages if there is an age difference between the couple. While you cannot make RRSP contributions after the end of the year in which you turn 71, if you have a younger spouse and unused contribution room you can contribute to a spousal RRSP until the end of the year that your spouse turns 71. “You are able to make contributions to their spousal RRSP using your unused room and getting the deduction against your income, but then the future income belongs to the spouse,” Quarshie said. Prospective homeowners may want to consider the option as well. Jessie Sidhu, HSBC Bank Canada’s head of branch network for the B.C. region, said having more money in two separate RRSP accounts may also be helpful if you are looking to take advantage of the homebuyers plan to help fund a down payment. “For first-time homebuyers, each individual is able to borrow up to $35,000 from their RRSPs as part of the homebuyers’ plan for a down payment. A spousal RRSP would allow these couples to access up to $70,000 from their RRSPs to purchase their first home,” Sidhu said. Quarshie also noted that if one spouse dies with RRSP contribution room left, money can be put into a spousal RRSP for the surviving spouse. She said this ability has the benefit of reducing the deceased’s final tax bill, which is often a substantial amount. “It’s something that we often look for when we are dealing with clients that have lost a spouse,” she said. In the case of a divorce or separation, spousal RRSPs are treated the same as other assets. Sidhu said this can present a challenge, as there can often be a significant financial strain during a separation. “As these are case-by-case situations, the couple should seek the advice of their lawyer and accountant for support,” she said. There are also noteworthy restrictions to withdrawals from spousal RRSP accounts. If you put money into a spousal RRSP and your spouse takes that money out, either during the year you made the contribution or in the following two years, you will have to pay the tax on the money at your tax rate. “You’d always want to consult with any of your financial experts before you try and make withdrawals or implement the spousal RRSP,” Quarshie said. This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 16, 2023. Companies in this story: (TSX:RY) Craig Wong, The Canadian Press 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail admin previous post Atlantic premiers announce physicians registry to help doctors move around the region next post روكسهام: كيبيك تريد إعادة توجيه جميع طالبي اللجوء إلى مقاطعات أُخرى You may also like سلسلة من التدابير لِدعم الشركات الكندية لمواجهة الرسوم... 8 مارس، 2025 كندا تعلن عن بناء منشآت عسكرية في الشمال 8 مارس، 2025 رانيا الحلو: ’’جسدي هنا أما روحي فتحلّق في... 8 مارس، 2025 The Liberals are about to choose the next... 8 مارس، 2025 Municipality continues pothole repairs; expect traffic delays 8 مارس، 2025 Two adults, three youth charged with assault of... 8 مارس، 2025 Fifth arrest made in homicide of Devon Sinclair... 8 مارس، 2025 Threats, harassment driving women out of politics, MPs... 8 مارس، 2025 Canadian canola farmers to feel impact from damaging... 8 مارس، 2025 Trump grants auto tariff pause, tariffs on Canada... 6 مارس، 2025