الخميس, مارس 6, 2025
الخميس, مارس 6, 2025
Home » Province marks launch of African Heritage Month

Province marks launch of African Heritage Month

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This year’s theme is ‘Seas of Struggle – African Peoples from Shore to Shore’

CITYnews halifax \ Meghan Groff     

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The province hosted a virtual ceremony today to mark the launch of African Heritage Month.

February will recognize and highlight the contributions of African Nova Scotians throughout our province’s history.

“African Nova Scotian history is our shared history,” stated the associate deputy minister of African Nova Scotian Affairs, Dwayne Provo. “A history that dates back centuries and is filled with achievement, accomplishment and resiliency.”

“The significance of this history can be seen throughout the province in the formation of communities and the reclamation of traditions and heritage that thrive to this very day.”

This year’s theme is Seas of Struggle – African Peoples from Shore to Shore.

“This recognizes the resiliency, determination and impact of people of African descent, from the shores of Africa to the shores of Nova Scotia, with the Atlantic Ocean being the everlasting connection,” Provo added.

“The theme is a powerful one as it talks about the people of African ancestry, who are descendants of rich, multi-generational and multi-ethnic histories of strength and innovation. Global architects and designers of the tapestry of civilization and the advancement of change.”

This year’s African Heritage Month poster was once again created by Dartmouth graphic designer Paul Adams Jr.

The executive director of the Black Cultural Centre, Russell Grosse, explained it pays homage to the longstanding history of people of African descent and the development of Canada.

“The sea has played a vital role in this development. The lone ship in the foreground speaks to the struggle of Black people, while the ships in the distant shadows reminds us of our long standing heritage and the future we have before us,” he stated.

“The poster also illustrates the struggle and adversity that was overcome and examines the negative effects of slavery and the successes of seafaring in the African Nova Scotian community.”

You can find a calendar of African Heritage Month events by clicking here.

Here in Halifax there will be a kick off to African Heritage Month at the Halifax North Memorial Public Library Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

It will include musical performances Jah’Mila and Marko Simmonds, special words from the Africville Genealogy Society’s Beatrice Wilkins and a proclamation reading by Mayor Mike Savage.

There will also be an African Heritage Month flag raising and a special performance by Owen “O’Sound” Lee at Grande Parade, and City Hall will be illuminated in black, green, red and yellow from January 23 to 27, February 18 to 21 and February 23 to 28.

And there will be a special projection show on the former Halifax Memorial Library at Grafton Park from sunset to 11 p.m. nightly throughout February.

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Editor-in-Chief : Nabil El-bkaili