CANADAHALIFAX news Proposal aims to lower electricity bills in Nova Scotia by more than $540 million by admin 16 مارس، 2022 written by admin 16 مارس، 2022 46 Efficiency Nova Scotia has submitted a plan to reduce electricity and save customers in the province an average of $5 a month over the next three years CITYnews halifax \ Steve Gow Listen to this article Haligonians may soon get the opportunity to reduce their electricity bills and help the province meet its climate commitments. On March 11, Efficiency Nova Scotia (through its non-profit administrator EfficiencyOne), submitted a three-year energy reduction plan to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (UARB) that could help lower electricity bills in the province by more than $540 million. Called the Demand Side Management Plan, the proposed blueprint would also aim to target the province’s net-zero commitments under the Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act. “We’ve had really productive conversations with tons of stakeholders throughout this process,” says Janet Tobin, communication lead for Efficiency Nova Scotia, who shaped the plan after conducting a province-wide survey in November. “We heard from about 1,400 Nova Scotians then and about 60 businesses, (and) I think there’s a lot of aligned direction on the plan — everyone recognizes how important climate change is and how we need to do as much as we can to combat that.” Efficiency Nova Scotia estimates the Demand Side Management Plan could increase electricity bills by approximately $2 a month, starting in 2023. On the other hand, that expense will be offset with customers saving an average of $5 a month through energy efficiency. “We have the evidence to support that and we have got 10 years — a decade of savings — to demonstrate that these programs work and these savings are real,” adds Tobin. “So far, over the past 10 years, Nova Scotians have saved over $1.4 billion in energy savings and this plan is estimated to save another $540 million dollars over its three year period.” It won’t just be homeowners benefiting from the Demand Side Management Plan either. Efficiency Nova Scotia says the plan will enable them to deliver more programs to more Nova Scotians, including $35 million to help low-income homeowners and those who rent, $20 million to assist small businesses recovering after the pandemic, and an additional $7 million to address the needs of Mi’kmaw communities by lowering electricity costs and boosting job creation with community preferred contractors. “We’ve been doing work with Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw communities for the past few years,” notes Tobin, adding Efficiency Nova Scotia has supported the Mi’kmaw Home Energy Efficiency Project (MHEEP). “We’ve developed a unique program that’s specific to the 13 communities that offers free home upgrades, (and) this additional funding allows us to really expand that program, do more and meet the needs.” The Demand Side Management Plan estimates energy efficiency investments will increase up to $57 million a year from its current level of around $40 million. The non-profit organization expects the higher investment will be more than offset by the savings ratepayers will receive, helping to offset other rate pressures through overall reduction on energy use. “It’s a combination of rebates and incentives,” says Tobin about how the programs work. She adds the benefit will depend on what programs people undertake. For example, she notes the $35 million dedicated to low-income homeowners and renters will include such benefits as free product installations, such as smart thermostats. “For some of our free home upgrade programs, we go in and do insulation and draft proofing, and in some programs we have rebates on heat pumps,” adds Tobin. “So it really depends on who the customer is, but for the most part, it’s providing either free opportunities on products, in-store savings on products (since) we want them to be looking and buying the most energy efficient products they can.” Tobin says Efficiency Nova Scotia hopes the UARB makes its decision on the proposal by August, with the plan aiming to take effect on January 1, 2023. In addition to cost savings and more efficient energy use, the plan aims to support 5,300 jobs across the province and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 2 million tonnes. “It’s a rare opportunity to actually like what you’re doing for your job and then also to get to see the impact it has on Nova Scotians,” says Tobin. “To go to work everyday and actually know that what we are doing is meaningful — not just for individuals, but for the environment and for the way we’re going to leave the world for our children — it’s really, really important and really rewarding to be able to do that everyday.” 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail admin previous post Ukraine offered tool to search billions of faces next post Nova Scotia announces $3 million for mental health and addictions projects You may also like سلسلة من التدابير لِدعم الشركات الكندية لمواجهة الرسوم... 8 مارس، 2025 كندا تعلن عن بناء منشآت عسكرية في الشمال 8 مارس، 2025 رانيا الحلو: ’’جسدي هنا أما روحي فتحلّق في... 8 مارس، 2025 The Liberals are about to choose the next... 8 مارس، 2025 Municipality continues pothole repairs; expect traffic delays 8 مارس، 2025 Two adults, three youth charged with assault of... 8 مارس، 2025 Fifth arrest made in homicide of Devon Sinclair... 8 مارس، 2025 Threats, harassment driving women out of politics, MPs... 8 مارس، 2025 Canadian canola farmers to feel impact from damaging... 8 مارس، 2025 Trump grants auto tariff pause, tariffs on Canada... 6 مارس، 2025