الإثنين, مارس 17, 2025
الإثنين, مارس 17, 2025
Home » Prime Minister Trudeau strikes optimistic tone in annual Canada Day message

Prime Minister Trudeau strikes optimistic tone in annual Canada Day message

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CITYnews halifax \ By John Marchesan

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is striking an optimistic tone in his annual Canada Day message.

He says Canada is the envy of the world, and we should all be proud to be Canadian.

“Wherever our flag flies, it’s recognized as a symbol of democracy, of freedom, and of hope,” Trudeau said.

“It represents the values we all hold dear. And it is a promise. A promise of a country where newcomers are welcomed with open arms, where differences are celebrated and diversity is embraced, a country where you’re free to be who you are and love whom you love, where everyone has a real and fair chance at success, and a country where we acknowledge historical wrongs and learn from the past in order to build a better future – for everyone.”

Trudeau noted that Canada has withstood incredible challenges throughout its history and it will continue to do so by “staying true to our values.”

“We are from far and wide, but united we are 40 million strong – and there is no challenge we cannot overcome together.

This is the first year since 2020 that the prime minister did not reference Canada’s dark past in his holiday message.

Happy Canada Day! Let’s take this opportunity to celebrate the vibrant, diverse country we’re so lucky to call home – and let’s keep working together to build a better future for everyone. https://t.co/jC7p0oHdSI pic.twitter.com/Jmos7oGCEi

— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) July 1, 2023

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Editor-in-Chief : Nabil El-bkaili