الأربعاء, مارس 5, 2025
الأربعاء, مارس 5, 2025
Home » Pallet shelter village to be installed near Canada Games Centre in Halifax

Pallet shelter village to be installed near Canada Games Centre in Halifax

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CITYnews halifax / By Mark Hodgins

A new Pallet shelter community is coming to Halifax’s Clayton Park.

The Department of Community Services confirms the shelter village will be located on Thomas Raddall Drive near the Canada Games Centre.

“We’re just finalizing details on a shelter village in that location,” Suzanne Ley, Executive Director of Employment Support and Income Assistance with the department, said. “We understand people want to know what is happening in their community, and so we will share more information in the coming days if we can about who the service provider is a what it will look like.”

She said a firm timeline had not been established but the department is aiming to have the shelters open by the end of 2024.

Word of the new shetler village spread on social media over the weekend after a post from area MLA Rafah DiCostanzo featuring a photo of fencing installed near the Canada Games Centre.

“As far as I know there was no consultation or input from anyone in the community,” DiCostanzo wrote. “Many are concerned about the location being close to schools.”

The proposed shelter location is near Halifax West High School, as well as the Lacewood Transit Terminal and Keshen Goodman Public Library.

“Conversations are always ongoing with our partners in the municipality and others,” Ley said. “We’re always balancing our ability to move quickly to provide housing solutions for people who are experiencing homelessness with our ability to mitigate community concerns.”

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