الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
Home » Nova Scotia Health recommends swabbing both nose and throat for COVID-19 rapid tests

Nova Scotia Health recommends swabbing both nose and throat for COVID-19 rapid tests

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Research led by its microbiology team suggests the combined technique produces more accurate results

CityNews Halifax Staff

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Nova Scotia Health says there’s a better way to do a rapid COVID-19 test. 

Based on research led by its microbiology team, it is now recommending people swab both their nose and throat for more accurate results.

The team collaborated with volunteer-based community rapid testing sites to collect samples and review outcomes.

When comparing results from a nasal swab, a throat swab and a combined nasal/throat swab, the samples from just a nasal or throat swabs each detected 64.5 per cent of cases.

But the combined technique was able to increase the sensitivity to 88.7 per cent.

All results were confirmed with PCR tests.

The research project has been submitted for publication.

“These types of projects are instrumental in testing anecdotal reports of new collection methods that are different from the manufacturers’ approved collection recommendations. Projects like this are critical in our response to COVID-19,” said Dr. Todd Hatchette, Nova Scotia Health’s Chief, Division of Microbiology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

“This data now supports the option of using a combined throat/nasal swab to enhance detection of Omicron. It can be used to inform community practice and increase confidence for those making swabbing recommendations to various stakeholders and users.”

Public Health will be updating testing instructions and adds, if only one location is being swabbed, it should be the nose.

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