CANADAHALIFAX news Northwood hopes to make the season merry with annual Christmas card campaign by admin 2 ديسمبر، 2022 written by admin 2 ديسمبر، 2022 163 Sending a card to a Northwood resident is a simple gesture that can make a big difference CITYnews halifax \ Meghan Groff Listen to this article A local continuing care organization is looking to bring a little Christmas cheer to its residents. Northwood Foundation’s annual holiday card campaign is on. Managing director Faye LeBlanc said sending a card to a resident is a simple gesture that can make a big difference. “Cards are such a great way to reminisce about years gone by and to feel remembered,” she told CityNews Halifax. “The ripple effect of this campaign really can’t be measured,” she added. “It’s certainly amazing and it reaches the hearts of many.” It’s a simple concept, just buy some extra Christmas cards, add thoughtful messages, sign them, then drop them off so they can be handed out to Northwood residents. LeBlanc said many people even make their own cards. “I know lots of families now have a Christmas card making session,” she said. “We have many schools from elementary to senior school levels, we have colleges, daycares, church groups, dance groups, some people even send in photos of their animals, which our residents love to see.” And for those who want to get a little something extra, Northwood also has a Giving Tree where you can purchase a gift for a resident, and it doesn’t need to be extravagant. “Even just taking your family members to the dollar store to buy a special candy treat or a small stuffed animal, it could be nail polish or socks,” LeBlanc listed. Calendars, art supplies, bingo daubers, unscented body wash and other personal hygiene products, word searches and gift cards are other great options. The Christmas card campaign has been running since 2013 in partnership with radio station Jack 92.9. LeBlanc is looking forward to seeing first hand how these items will be the high point of some residents’ holiday season. “I personally delivered cards to a resident. I knocked on her door and she welcomed me in and told me she had no family or friends to visit over the holidays,” LeBlanc recalled. “She took my hand and she said, ‘But these cards are just enough. You don’t know how much it means to me to be remembered.'” “Oftentimes we overlook the value of one card, but the two words ‘just enough’ really brings a different definition to giving back.” Cards be dropped off at the Rogers locations on Spring Garden Road, Sackville Drive, Grafton Street, Chain Lake Drive. in Mic Mac Mall and the Halifax Shopping Centre. They’re also accepted at Jack 92.9 (6080 Young Street), Northwood’s office in Burnside and at Northwood’s Halifax or Bedford campuses. The deadline is Friday, December 16. Jack 92.9 is owned by Rogers, the parent company of CityNews. 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail admin previous post Scrambling for aircraft in N.S. mass shooting, RCMP told to ‘pound sand’: official next post كيف نفهم انخفاض المواليد وارتفاع السكان في مصر؟ You may also like كارني يشيد بحلفاء ’’موثوق بهم مثل فرنسا‘‘ في... 17 مارس، 2025 بلدية تورونتو تنوي إبعاد شركات أميركية عن بعض... 17 مارس، 2025 N.S. advocates say bill to allow for uranium... 17 مارس، 2025 Metal detectors coming to Dartmouth General Hospital 17 مارس، 2025 Tolls lifted on Halifax Harbour bridges as of... 17 مارس، 2025 Man charged with attempted murder in strange Newfoundland... 17 مارس، 2025 Former prime minister Brian Mulroney to be featured... 17 مارس، 2025 لماذا يتخلى مارك كارني عن جنسيتيْه غير الكنديتيْن؟ 17 مارس، 2025 رئيس الحكومة الجديدة كارني ووُزراؤه يؤدّون اليمين الدستورية 17 مارس، 2025 Man faces long list of charges after standoff... 13 مارس، 2025