A two-toned lobster is seen in a marine sciences lab at the University of New England, Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024, in Biddeford, Maine. The rare color scheme is the result of two eggs fusing together to create a one-in-50 million lobster.(AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty) CANADAHALIFAX news Just how rare is a rare-colored lobster? Scientists say answer could be under the shell by admin 8 سبتمبر، 2024 written by admin 8 سبتمبر، 2024 87 CITYnews halifax / By Patrick Whittle, The Associated Press BIDDEFORD, Maine (AP) — Orange, blue, calico, two-toned and … cotton-candy colored? Those are all the hues of lobsters that have showed up in fishers’ traps, supermarket seafood tanks and scientists’ laboratories over the last year. The funky-colored crustaceans inspire headlines that trumpet their rarity, with particularly uncommon baby blue-tinted critters described by some as “cotton-candy colored” often estimated at 1 in 100 million. A recent wave of these curious colored lobsters in Maine, New York, Colorado and beyond has scientists asking just how atypical the discolored arthropods really are. As is often the case in science, it’s complicated. Lobsters’ color can vary due to genetic and dietary differences, and estimates about how rare certain colors are should be taken with a grain of salt, said Andrew Goode, lead administrative scientist for the American Lobster Settlement Index at the University of Maine. There is also no definitive source on the occurrence of lobster coloration abnormalities, scientists said. “Anecdotally, they don’t taste any different either,” Goode said. In the wild, lobsters typically have a mottled brown appearance, and they turn an orange-red color after they are boiled for eating. Lobsters can have color abnormalities due to mutation of genes that affect the proteins that bind to their shell pigments, Goode said. The best available estimates about lobster coloration abnormalities are based on data from fisheries sources, said marine sciences professor Markus Frederich of the University of New England in Maine. However, he said, “no one really tracks them.” Frederich and other scientists said that commonly cited estimates such as 1 in 1 million for blue lobsters and 1 in 30 million for orange lobsters should not be treated as rock-solid figures. However, he and his students are working to change that. Frederich is working on noninvasive ways to extract genetic samples from lobsters to try to better understand the molecular basis for rare shell coloration. Frederich maintains a collection of strange-colored lobsters at the university’s labs and has been documenting the progress of the offspring of an orange lobster named Peaches who is housed at the university. Peaches had thousands of offspring this year, which is typical for lobsters. About half were orange, which is not, Frederich said. Of the baby lobsters that survived, a slight majority were regular colored ones, Frederich said. Studying the DNA of atypically colored lobsters will give scientists a better understanding of their underlying genetics, Frederich said. “Lobsters are those iconic animals here in Maine, and I find them beautiful. Especially when you see those rare ones, which are just looking spectacular. And then the scientist in me simply says I want to know how that works. What’s the mechanism?” Frederich said. He does eat lobster but “never any of those colorful ones,” he said. One of Frederich’s lobsters, Tamarind, is the typical color on one side and orange on the other. That is because two lobster eggs fused and grew as one animal, Frederich said. He said that’s thought to be as rare as 1 in 50 million. Rare lobsters have been in the news lately, with an orange lobster turning up in a Long Island, New York, Stop & Shop last month, and another appearing in a shipment being delivered to a Red Lobster in Colorado in July. The odd-looking lobsters will likely continue to come to shore because of the size of the U.S. lobster fishery, said Richard Wahle, a longtime University of Maine lobster researcher who is now retired. U.S. fishers have brought more than 90 million pounds (40,820 metric tons) of lobster to the docks in every year since 2009 after only previously reaching that volume twice, according to federal records that go back to 1950. “In an annual catch consisting of hundreds of millions of lobster, it shouldn’t be surprising that we see a few of the weird ones every year, even if they are 1 in a million or 1 in 30 million,” Wahle said. Patrick Whittle, The Associated Press 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail admin previous post ‘She was screaming’: Girl, 14, charged with attempted murder after teen set on fire next post Bennett, Hennessy named Canada’s flag-bearers for Paralympic closing ceremonies in Paris You may also like كيبيك: وقف مساعدة التوظيف عن العمال الأجانب المؤقتين 30 يناير، 2025 Man charged with attempted murder after 4 workers... 30 يناير، 2025 New program aims to make blueberry, apple producers... 30 يناير، 2025 recovered (28bodies) from D.C. mid-air plane and helicopter... 30 يناير، 2025 N.S’ largest ever increase to the minimum wage... 30 يناير، 2025 ترامب قد يفرض على كندا رسوماً جمركية على... 30 يناير، 2025 المؤبَّد لقاتل مشتبه به في تفجير رحلة الخطوط... 30 يناير، 2025 بنك كندا يخفّض الفائدة الأساسية ربع نقطة مئوية... 30 يناير، 2025 البيت الأبيض يؤكد أنّ الرسوم في موعدها وسينغ... 30 يناير، 2025 injured 3 employees by patient after weapons call... 30 يناير، 2025