الأحد, مارس 23, 2025
الأحد, مارس 23, 2025
Home » Friday marks two years since Canadian Forces helicopter crash that killed six

Friday marks two years since Canadian Forces helicopter crash that killed six

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Six crew members died on Apr. 29, 2020 when a Canadian Forces Cyclone helicopter crashed off the coast of Greece

CITYnews halifax \ Dan Ahlstrand

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The Canadian Press

It is a sombre anniversary for the military community in and around the Halifax area today.

It was Apr. 29, 2020 that a Cyclone helicopter attached to HMCS Fredericton, deployed on Operation Reassurance, crashed into the Ionian sea off the coast of Greece killing all six crew members aboard.

Sub-Lt. Abbigail Cowbrough, Capt. Kevin Hagen, Capt. Brenden MacDonald, Capt. Maxime Miron-Morin, Sub-Lt. Matthew Pyke and Master Cpl. Matthew Cousins all died in the incident.

The crash happened just days after the Nova Scotia mass shooting, and Cowbrough, a bagpiper, had recorded a video playing amazing grace from the deck of HMCS Fredericton in honour of the victims.

MacDonald, Pyke and Cowbrough all called Nova Scotia home.

The crash was the largest loss of life in one day for the Canadian Armed Forces since six Canadian soldiers were killed in a roadside bombing in Afghanistan on Easter Sunday 2007.

Nova Scotia’s Mental Health Crisis Line is available 24/7 by calling toll-free 1-888-429-8167. Kids Help Phone counsellors can be reached at 1-800-668-6868.

Call 911 for emergency situations.

Additional mental health and wellness resources can be found here or by calling 211.

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Editor-in-Chief : Nabil El-bkaili