الجمعة, مارس 7, 2025
الجمعة, مارس 7, 2025
Home » Ease into new fitness routines, expert recommends

Ease into new fitness routines, expert recommends

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Terri Roberts says exercise is a skill, and just like learning an instrument, it takes time and practice

CITYnews halifax \ Meghan Groff

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January tends to be the busiest time of year at gyms and fitness centres.

If getting more active is on your list of New Year’s Resolutions, the executive director of the Nova Scotia Fitness Association says it’s a good idea to ease into it.

“If you’ve never come to a fitness classes before or never come to the gym before, you’ve got to learn everything from scratch,” says Terri Roberts. “Give yourself time to do that.”

“Most people can only learn half a dozen things in a workout if it’s all brand new.”

She says exercise is a skill, and just like learning an instrument, it takes time and practice.

“It’s not going to happen all at once,” she tells CityNews Halifax. “People try to cram every new bit of learning in the first two weeks, then they burn out or they get frustrated because they can’t remember things.”

The same applies to those who are returning to exercise after a prolonged absence.

Roberts says many gyms don’t feel as crowded as usual right now, with COVID likely keeping people away.

Anyone exercising at home can contact the fitness association to get advice and other materials.

She adds it might be worth starting off working with a trainer to get the basics.

“Any be very careful what you’re watching on websites like YouTube,” Roberts recommends. “Make sure if you’re watching some of these videos that they’re actually a certified trainer giving you instructions.”

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