الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
الثلاثاء, مارس 4, 2025
Home » Council rejects latest design for Windsor Street Exchange redevelopment

Council rejects latest design for Windsor Street Exchange redevelopment

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CITYnews halifax / By Mark Hodgins

Halifax staff could be going back to the drawing board after regional council voted against moving forward with the latest design for the redevelopment of the busy Windsor Street Exchange.

Councillors voted 8-6 on Tuesday against the design from staff, which aimed to balance Halifax’s long-term goals for improving things like transit and cycling infrastructure while also trying to reduce delays for trucks coming from the port, a requirement in order to receive more than $20 million in funding from Transport Canada.


“I personally think we should shelve this and continue to work on the design and reapply a few years down the line with whatever federal or provincial opportunities that come up,” Councillor Sam Austin said during Tuesday’s debate. “I don’t think we’re ready, we don’t have the work done, and we’re chasing dollars that don’t align with what we need to be doing.”

The total cost of the project has increased to $150 million, up from around $100 million in the summer of 2024. The original cost estimate in 2019 was $50 million. Most of the increased cost would fall to the municipality.

Windsor Street Exchange Redevelopment project area can be seen in this photo. (City of Halifax)


Following the vote, staff told council that the next step would be to deal with the “contractual implications” of council’s decision not to move forward with the project.

Councillor David Hendsbee, who voted in favour of the design, raised concerns after the vote that three councillors were not present for the vote and asked if the matter could be re-visited.

“This being a significant artery into our peninsula, not just for people but for goods as well, I think this is a very negative move not to move forward with,” he said. “I’m deeply concerned with where we go from here if this stands.”

Hendsbee said he would be filing a motion to rescind the decision that could be brought forward at the next meeting of council.

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Editor-in-Chief : Nabil El-bkaili