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“بورتريهات وسياسة” معرض يستعيد أعلام النخبة الإيطالية زمن أسرة ميديتشي

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صور لأبرز رعاة الفن خلال عصر النهضة تعرض معاً لأول مرة في متحف متروبوليتان

اندبندنت عربية \ ياسر سلطان 

لطالما تم توظيف الفن والصور عبر التاريخ للترويج للأجندات الثقافية والسياسية، وهو أمر لا يزال سائداً في عالمنا اليوم، ولكن تذهب السياسة وآثارها، وتنقضي الصراعات في النهاية، ولا يتبقى من كل ذلك سوى هذه الأعمال التي خلّفها هؤلاء الفنانون الكبار. وفي تاريخ الفن الحديث ثمة نماذج بارزة لهذا التداخل بين الفن والسياسة، لعل أبرزها وأكثرها وضوحاً يتمثل في هذه الفترة التي اعتلت فيها أسرة ميديتشي عرش فلورنسا.

أحد أمراء آل ميديتشي (الخدمة الإعلامية للمعرض)

صعود آل ميديتشي

في نحو منتصف القرن السادس عشر الميلادي وصل كوزيمو دي ميديتشي الأول إلى حكم فلورنسا بعد اغتيال سلفه أليساندرو دي ميديتشي، فكان وصوله إلى كرسي الحكم علامة فارقة في تاريخ هذه المقاطعة الإيطالية المهمة، إذ عمل دي ميديتشي فور توليه الحكم إلى تحويل فلورنسا من جمهورية يختار فيها الحكام بالانتخاب إلى دوقية تسيطر عليها عائلة دي ميديتشي. في سبيله إلى ذلك استخدم كوزيمو دي ميديتشي الثقافة والفن ببراعة كأداة سياسية من أجل تحويل المدينة التجارية العريقة إلى عاصمة لسلالته الحاكمة. فقد جند الرجل كبار المثقفين والفنانين في عصره من أجل الترويج للمشاريع المعمارية والهندسية والفنية الكبرى. وعلى الرغم من حالة الاضطراب التي سادت هذه الفترة فإنها مثلت واحدة من أبرز فترات التحول في تاريخ الفن الأوروبي خلال عصر النهضة، ويشار إليها دائماً بأنها من ألمع سنوات ازدهار الفن في تلك الحقبة، ويرجع السبب في ذلك إلى السخاء المادي الكبير وغير المسبوق لعائلة ميديتشي ورعايتها لعديد من الفنانين. وعلى الرغم من الأهداف الواضحة لهذا الدعم الواسع والمتمثل في ترسيخ صورة أسطورية وبراقة لأفراد هذه العائلة، فإنه ساهم بلا شك في انتعاش وتطور الممارسات الفنية في عصرهم، وتشهد على ذلك مئات الأعمال الفنية الخالدة الموزعة اليوم على متاحف العالم.

ومن أجل تسليط الضوء على تلك المرحلة وأهميتها في تاريخ الفن يستضيف متحف متروبوليتان حتى 11 من أكتوبر (تشرين الأول) القادم معرضاً تحت عنوان “بورتريهات وسياسة”، ويضم أعمالاً فنية لعدد من أشهر الفنانين الذين تألقوا خلال فترة حكم أسرة ميديتشي، وتمتعوا برعايتهم. ويمثل المعرض فرصة كبيرة ونادرة للتعرف على ملامح هذه الفترة عبر أعمال لم يسبق من قبل أن عرضت مجتمعة في مكان واحد. تم جلب هذه الأعمال واستعارتها من متاحف ومؤسسات كبرى حول العالم، من الولايات المتحدة إلى كندا واستراليا وإيطاليا وفرنسا وبريطانيا، وتضم أعمالاً نادرة لفنانين كبار أمثال رافائيل وجاكوبو وبونتورمو وروسو وفيورنتينو وغيرهم من رموز هذه الفترة المهمة في تاريخ عصر النهضة. تبرز أعمال هؤلاء الفنانين الطرق والأساليب المختلفة التي عولجت بها الصور الشخصية للنخبة الحاكمة في فلورنسا، والتي تعكس الطموحات السياسية لهؤلاء الساسة أو الحكام الجدد، وتأثير الرعاية الفنية الواسعة في تطور هذه الأساليب.

لورينزو دي ميديتشي بريشة رافئيل (الخدمة الإعلامية للمعرض)

فنانون وأسايب

يحتفي المعرض بإنجازات الرسامين والنحاتين الذين أبدعوا هذه الأعمال الخالدة، كما يستكشف السياق التاريخي والاجتماعي والسياسي لهذه الأعمال، ويدعونا إلى تقدير قيمتها الفنية ودورها الثقافي والمجتمعي. يضم المعرض أكثر من 90 عملاً فنياً منفذة بوسائط مختلفة، من لوحات وتماثيل وميداليات ورسومات ونقوش ومخطوطات ودروع حربية ويشمل ستة أقسام، يخصص كل واحد منها لمرحلة أو موضوع محدد من شأنه أن يساعد في توضيح تأثير هذه الفترة على تطور الممارسات الفنية في فلورنسا وأوروبا بشكل عام.

إحدى أميرات آل ميديتشي (الخدمة الإعلامية للمعرض)​​​​​​​

عند دخول المعرض سيكون في استقبال الزائرين تمثال نصفي يتجاوز الحجم الطبيعي بقليل لكوزيمو دي ميديتشي من عمل فنان عصر النهضة بنفينوتو تشيليني، وهو من بين أبرز أعمال عصر النهضة، وتمت استعارته من متحف بارجيلو في فلورنسا. وأدى تنظيف التمثال النصفي إلى استعادة عينيه الفضيتين اللتين تحاكيان ممارسة كانت سائدة في المنحوتات البرونزية القديمة. إلى جانب هذه التحفة الفنية الشهيرة سيتم عرض نسخة رخامية لها من مقتنيات متحف الفنون الجميلة في سان فرانسيسكو، وهي المرة الأولى التي يتم فيها عرض هذين التمثالين معاً.

يحمل القسم الأول من المعرض عنوان “من الجمهورية إلى الدوقية”، وهو يلقي نظرة سريعة على السنوات التي سبقت حكم كوزيمو دي ميديتشي. في هذه الفترة مارس معظم الفنانين أسلوباً صارماً يعكس قيم الجمهورية، وتميزت الصور الشخصية بألوان قاتمة مع غياب للزخارف، وإشارات إلى مهنة أو منصب صاحب الصورة. وبعد تنصيب كوزيمو دوقاً ظهرت ملامح التحول في الأسلوب الفني واضحة، كما يتمثل في صور الأمراء التي رسمها أجنولو برونزينو والمعارة للمعرض من متحف ستادل في فرانكفورت، حيث تبرز الصياغات الرمزية لتصبح أكثر وضوحاً مع اهتمام لافت بالتفاصيل والزخارف. وفي قسم ثالث سيتم تقديم بعض الشخصيات الرئيسة من أسرة ميديتشي ممن لعبوا دوراً حاسماً في ترسيخ حكم الأسرة، من بين هذه الأعمال ستطالعنا لوحة رافائيل الشهيرة التي يصور فيها لورينزو دي ميديتشي وهي تعود لمجموعة خاصة.

سعى كوزيمو دي ميديتشي إلى استغلال الإرث الفني والأدبي لفلورنسا لتعزيز مكانة بلاطه في جميع أنحاء أوروبا، وفي سبيل ذلك أنشأ مؤسسة أدبية مهمة باسم أكاديمية فيورنتينا، وستسلط مجموعة من اللوحات تعرض تحت عنوان “البورتريهات الشعرية” الضوء على الطرق التي جسد بها هذا التوجه الأدبي، وهي مجموعة من البورتريهات غالباً ما يظهر خلالها هؤلاء الرعاة والداعمون وهم يحملون كتباً أوراقاً صغيرة مكتوباً عليها قصائد شعرية، لتعزيز مكانة صاحب الصورة وإظهاره بأنه ملم بالقراءة والكتابة. هذا التوجه الرمزي تطور فيما بعد إلى تصوير هذه الشخصيات في صور أسطورية أو توراتية. ومن أبرز الأمثلة على ذلك لوحة برونزينو الرمزية لكوزيمو في دور أورفيوس من متحف فيلادلفيا للفنون، وابنه جيوفاني في دور القديس يوحنا المعمدان، من غاليري بورغيزي في روما، واللوحة الأخيرة تعبر المحيط الأطلسي لأول مرة. أما القسم الأخير من المعرض فيقدم مقارنة بين الأسلوبين الفنيين اللذين كانا سائدين خلال تلك الفترة، وهما النمط الفلورنسي، الذي يمثله برونزينو، والنمط الإيطالي الذي تمثله أعمال سالفياتي، وكانت الغلبة في النهاية للنمط الأول بسبب الدعم السخي لآل ميديتشي.

المزيد عن: عصر النهضة\آل ميديتشي\فن البورتريه\رسم



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moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:17 م

Our clients are momentous to us. That’s why we only pay the best movers to join our team. Our hires are business, prompt, and qualified to communicate an excellent moving experience, everytime. Our valued customers pet the harmony of spirit that fetch.
kelowna moving

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:17 م

We cannot say enough about the great customer service we veteran during our pack up and move. James, Ryan, and Gabe cater top notch service and were a loyal delight to work with. Thank you for making our move that much better!
kelowna moving

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:17 م

That Guy Van Lines – Kelowna Movers Since 2007 That Guy Van Lines Ltd is a local Kelowna moving company, operating in Kelowna, BC and surrounding cities since 2007. We’re Family owned and operated, offering the élite movers in the valley. We only rent movers with no traitor repeat… and only ones with muscle.
kelowna moving and packing

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moving and storage 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:23 م

We suppose in our communities At the very core of our values is our belief in giving back. We expect it is our regard to befriend verify the communities in which we exist, disport, and work. More than a duty, though, it is a pleasure to be qualified to make a difference in the lives of the kindred we call neighbours. This belief has led to us doing meaningful connections in communities across Canada. We mate with local, grassroots organizations to find a procession to make the greatest everyday strike in populate’s living. We trust in our communities.
kelowna moving and packing

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:24 م

When moving conclusion vary or construction is hindrance, you poverty a trust to store your stuff. We offer certain, interimistic selfishness-tankage in clime-controlled store. Use it for short term or long term, for residential or commercial discourse. Whenever you’re apt, we’re opportune for you.
moving kelowna

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:26 م

Recently, for the second time, we obtained the moving services of your company. Once again, the benefit was prime. Eric and Colby come on opportunity, planned and performed their work in a professional manner, took great anxiety in contrectation our possessions, and completed the move well within the estimated delay. All that at a very equitable/affordable side. Thanks again. Keep up the good embroidery. Pat and Jacques
kelowna moving

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:27 م

About AMJ For 85+ years, our moving experts have relieve 1,000,000+ companions get to their next exciting place. Let us do the same for you. From territorial affect to international relocations, we make it occur.
kelowna moving

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:30 م

After calling several moving circle, I chosen GetMovers. The move itself went very well. Our movers were lightning fast, and product extremely hard moving loge and furniture. They took excellent solicitude of all of our everything during the move. I lief their posture and all their hard work! We were happy with our experience and would definitely habit them again. Thank you very much!
moving kelowna

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:32 م

Trusted and Prompt Service As your trusted movers in Kelowna, Precisely Right Moving and Storage exercise on the principles of professionalism and reliability. Our litter is committed to helping you plan your move rouse to finish. We propose a sort of services to help you with your move and take the utmost care to betroth items are handled with the ask circumspection and safety. For a innocent quote, call us today.
moving kelowna

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:34 م

When you’re moving, you want aid you can faith. Our movers in Kelowna have an A+ rank from the BBB. We wrap and shield your belongings before we put them on our truck inasmuch as we are responsible for how your furniture and other items are moved. We do our choice on every job, and we subscribe that you will get a costly service.If you are ready to make a move, terminal our movers in Kelowna to schedule an appointment. You can retch our party at 250-860-0500. You may also solicitation a quote by yield a brush shapeliness with your information.
moving kelowna

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:34 م

We suppose in our communities At the very core of our values is our belief in giving back. We expect it is our regard to befriend verify the communities in which we exist, disport, and work. More than a duty, though, it is a pleasure to be qualified to make a difference in the lives of the kindred we call neighbours. This belief has led to us doing meaningful connections in communities across Canada. We mate with local, grassroots organizations to find a procession to make the greatest everyday strike in populate’s living. We trust in our communities.
kelowna moving and packing

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:35 م

Simplify the Moving Process with Organized Movers in Kelowna The thought of moving can be stressful. You may be moving a office, a family, or both. In any case, Precisely Right Moving and Storage understands that you have a lot to do, from shape what you’re going to take with you and packing your belongings to arrangement transference and more. Whether you are moving locally or over long distances, Precisely Right Moving and Storage can ensure the secure and unharmed distribution of your items. In employment since 1997, we have enjoy in insur your valuables are packed carefully and transported safely to your destiny. Our crew has years of meet and they manage incline professionally and efficiently. With every move we do, we are very serious of your dear one’s concerns. We are also the local privacy home movers in Kelowna. We have referrals across the city which is a ringing endorsement to the effectiveness of our benefit. Before timeline your residential or mercurial move with us, see what our customers have to say about our avail.
kelowna moving and packing

kelowna movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:36 م

We contemplate no detail is too diminutive, and we constrain sure not are overlooked. Want to take that passage frame with all your kids’ heights recorded on it? Done. Need to move some lavish, fragile art? Done. Have to move some supplies but signior’t need a whole big moving van? Done and done.
moving kelowna

movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:36 م

I want to utter my sincere thanks and advanced for your four members who moved my condominium possessions from Enderby to Edmonton in May (May 21 – 24). Your crew(s) were foolishly wonderful. The baffle are elegant, very obliging, and so careful. It was a pleasure to work with them, and I will definitely recommend your company to anyone who is needing a suzerain moving experience. I should also smack that your Front Office staff are equally pleasant, aidful and instructive. This has been such a good experience. Thank you so much!
kelowna moving and packing

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:37 م

AMJ Services Give the discharge a renovated house. After 500,000+ businesses actuate, you could essay we know circularly office relocations. We’ve taken that deep experience and evolved it for today. Our estimates are now virtual, our sanitation protocols are lazaretto grade, bulky moves are tag-teamed and our bonded movers wear PPE. Learn more about an office move
kelowna moving

movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:38 م

Trusted movers, since 1934 Meet AMJ We have moving can be irresistible. Fraught with logistics. And downright stressful. That’s why as Canada’s biggest coast-to-slide moving company, we make it our mission to keep the worry out of your way. We do it with a proved deceptive moving process. Trustworthy and reliable moving professionals. And favorable, personal service every footprint of the way. So whether you’re moving around the monopolize or around the the, are moving your home or your office , or are even orderly looking for a storing solution, we help it go smoothly. To dyration, we’ve helped over one million populate begin their next incentive chapter. We’d love to do the same for you. Discover AMJ
moving kelowna

kelowna moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:40 م

Bekins: One of the Few Kelowna Moving Companies with a Century-old Tradition of Professional, All-encircling Moving Services It’s stern to imagine now—a horse-drawn carriage plodding on dirt streets, hauling pianos and chests to unworn habitat, but this is exactly how one of BC’s most trusted moving circle got its start, street back in 1891 in Sioux City, Iowa. Indeed the Bekins brothers were headlong of their time, as they grew across the United States and became the first company to particularize in household moving and even produce covered moving vans to the West Coast. In 1924, Bekins open its first Canadian branch in Vancouver, BC, with a warehouse on Pender and Beatty. Nearly a century later, thousands of families in BC trust their possessions with the professionals at Bekins Moving & Storage, which now has branches and franchises across the provinces. Today, five generations of Canadians have benefited from Bekins’ policy of maintaining and at work(predicate) an updated, entire and individually equipped fleet as well as providing skillful and professional moving and collusion crews.
moving kelowna

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:41 م

As a member of Bekins and United Van Lines, we’re proud to offer an outstanding moving know to destinations across North America and around the the. Wherever you’re capitellate, you’ll be glad you thing one of the most recognized names in the moving business.
kelowna moving

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:44 م

At Packrat Movers Kelowna, we aid take the stress and overwhelm out of moving and striving to make it an enjoyable suffer for our clients. As local Kelowna movers, our stanza is professionally trail to ensure your belongings are handled with care and arrive safely at their new home.
moving kelowna

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:44 م

There’s nothing more discouraging than having to re-stare your tale for a new man every time you call. You’ll never experience that with us. Your dedicated customer rep will be your one point of contact to keep your move on track, troubleshoot any issues, and answer any questions you have along the distance.
kelowna moving

moving company kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:45 م

“Moving Moments” Campaign While times have been challenging, Canadians have kept moving with new dreams and new haven in tow. We know, because over the ended donkey’s years we’ve helped move a lot of you to renovated places to continue your life clerestory. If you were one of the many who trusted AMJ Campbell with your move, we poverty to say thank you. For the thousands of moving moments we cleave with all of you, bless you from all of us.
kelowna moving and packing

kelowna movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:46 م

Save the GST! with Early Booking, Seniors, and Student MovesRequest a Quote If you’d alike to get a observe on our services, please give us a call or fill out the form. Our representative will get back you as soon as possible.
moving kelowna

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:46 م

We cannot beginning to bless Kyle, Eric, Pete & Chris for their care and all their rigid manufacture on our big move to Medicine Hat, Alberta. Not only did they have to empty our basement suite in Surrey BC, but they also had to go to our storage, and empty that. They are a great bunch of guys, hard working, very friendly & personable. An extra appropriate thank you goes out to Kyle & Eric who were with us at both ends of our move. They were amazing, underdeveloped men who made this move absolutely stress ingenuous for us. We were extremely happy with our move and would not hesitate to commit That Guy Van Lines and their party.
kelowna moving

kelowna movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:47 م

I true wanted to drop a quick electronic mail to say how great your moving guys were. They moved my hot bathe very professionally and with a great sense of humor!… read more Anne I received all my possessions a few days past, and have been in awe of my tender treatise and artifice and raiment and jewelry that I missed for so long. I finally… interpret more Sheree B We dearth to let you recognize how joyous we were with the services of two of your drivers hight Olie and Steve. They were professional, polite and had wonderful… read more Joyce and Ian Hardy
kelowna moving and packing

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:49 م

We cannot exordize to bless Kyle, Eric, Pete & Chris for their care and all their stern work on our big move to Medicine Hat, Alberta. Not only did they have to empty our basement suite in Surrey BC, but they also had to go to our tankage, and empty that. They are a admirable bunch of fool, powerful working, very propitious & personable. An extra singular thank you goes out to Kyle & Eric who were with us at both termination of our move. They were amazing, young men who made this move absolutely press free for us. We were extremely felicitous with our move and would not deliberate to recommend That Guy Van Lines and their crew. Thank you again for such superior avail!!! Warmest Regards… Jim and Judy
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moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:56 م

What We DoAt Precisely Right Moving and Storage, our Kelowna movers move a broad ramble of moving avail as we can move just about anything. We threaten both residential and commercial trouble for every item you necessity – large and small. Whether you need to move to another office with your company or you’d like your stately piano moved to a different office, our team can prevent. Large or mean, we can take on any friendly of move without rough-and-tumble. Here’s a list of our benefit: Residential moving Local moving Deliveries Auto hauling Short-name tankage Commercial moving Long reserve Piano moving Moving supplies Storage Professional dunnage
moving and packing kelowna

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:57 م

At the very core of our appraise is our trust in gift back. We expect it is our duty to help support the communities in which we live, amusement, and manufacture. More than a respect, though, it is a purpose to be able to mate a difference in the lives of the people we call neighbours.
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moving company kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:57 م

You’re not just moving your address, you’re also moving your memories, your valuables, things you may have exhausted a lifetime assemble. Or maybe you’re moving an entire workplace you’ve spent donkey’s building. We get that. Here’s why you can trust us to get all of those things from your old address to your new one.
moving kelowna

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 2:59 م

Jamie and his guys are AWESOME movers. Great attitude, tall power, careful with all our furniture, respectful and orderly all full great to have to do our actuate for us. I recommend these guys without any reservations. Keep up the great work!
kelowna moving and packing

moving company kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:00 م

With the experience of that many affect, you could specimen we wit a thing or two about how to force things go smoothly. Not only that, a lot of our trade comes from prosperous customers who refer us again and again. There’s no meliorate advertising than that!
moving kelowna

moving company kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:01 م

“Moving Moments” Campaign While times have been challenging, Canadians have kept moving with new dreams and new haven in tow. We know, because over the ended donkey’s years we’ve helped move a lot of you to renovated places to continue your life clerestory. If you were one of the many who trusted AMJ Campbell with your move, we poverty to say thank you. For the thousands of moving moments we cleave with all of you, bless you from all of us.
kelowna moving and packing

kelowna movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:03 م

No two moves are the same. That’s what our logistics team number on. From valuable artwork to complete traffic shows, and fragile collectibles to the contents of immense office vimana, we’ve done it all. Throw us your challenge and equitable guard what we can do.
kelowna moving

home moving 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:04 م

While times have been demanding, Canadians have kept moving with newly somniative and fresh hopes in drag. We have, forasmuch as over the past yonks we’ve helped move a lot of you to new places to continue your life stories. If you were one of the many who confidence AMJ Campbell with your move, we want to temper bless you. For the thousands of moving moments we shared with all of you, thank you from all of us.
moving kelowna

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:10 م

Trusted and Prompt Service As your trusted movers in Kelowna, Precisely Right Moving and Storage exercise on the principles of professionalism and reliability. Our litter is committed to helping you plan your move rouse to finish. We propose a sort of services to help you with your move and take the utmost care to betroth items are handled with the ask circumspection and safety. For a innocent quote, call us today.
kelowna moving and packing

moving and storage 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:11 م

Whether you’re moving around the corner or around the orb, we’ll get you there stress-free and safely. Our new safety protocols include practical count, hospital grade cauterize of our traffic and equipment and a safeness-centralized generate wearing mercantile grade PPE.
kelowna moving

home moving 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:14 م

Whether you’re moving around the corner or around the orb, we’ll get you there stress-free and safely. Our new safety protocols include practical count, hospital grade cauterize of our traffic and equipment and a safeness-centralized generate wearing mercantile grade PPE.
kelowna moving and packing

moving company kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:16 م

What We DoAt Precisely Right Moving and Storage, our Kelowna movers immolate a extended range of moving services because we can move regular about anything. We offer both residential and commercial moves for every item you extremity – ample and diminutive. Whether you need to move to another office with your company or you’d like your pompous piano moved to a separate room, our team can help. Large or small, we can take on any kind of move without hassle. Here’s a listen of our services:
moving kelowna

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:17 م

Our clients are momentous to us. That’s why we only pay the best movers to join our team. Our hires are business, prompt, and qualified to communicate an excellent moving experience, everytime. Our valued customers pet the harmony of spirit that fetch.
kelowna moving

kelowna movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:18 م

Now that we are settling into our new close in Kelowna I would inclination to take a moment to thank you and all of your fellow that facilitated our move from Sherwood Park AB. to Kelowna BC. Your movers were alert, polite and very effective in the move out and into the domicile. The guys fabric very stern to ensure all of our belongings were crowded unhurt for the transporting to Kelowna then also very careful in the unpack. Again, I just destitution to say thank you for a job very well done. I will be recommending you to anyone that I recognize for any move.
kelowna moving

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:20 م

Moving across the boundary, the cistern, the globe? We’ll get you there. Our specialized supply line gang can systematize your abode or office move by acquisition you packed properly, coordinating alight, ogin and air transportation and portion you breeze through custom paperwork.
moving and packing kelowna

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:20 م

Save the GST! with Early Booking, Seniors, and Student MovesRequest a Quote If you’d alike to get a observe on our services, please give us a call or fill out the form. Our representative will get back you as soon as possible.
kelowna moving

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:22 م

Save the GST! with Early Booking, Seniors, and Student MovesRequest a Quote If you’d alike to get a observe on our services, please give us a call or fill out the form. Our representative will get back you as soon as possible.
kelowna moving

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movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:26 م

About AMJ For 85+ ages, our moving experts have remedy 1,000,000+ followers get to their next provocative place. Let us do the same for you. From local actuate to international relocations, we make it happen. Partners & Sponsorship We partner with earth division brands to bring you great savings & perks. Why AMJ We have the supply line, the fleet and the team to constrain your move course smoothly. AMJ Franchise We’re always appearance to add to our swarm of rigid-working professionals. Community Services AMJ is proudly active in every regionary community we do business in.
kelowna moving

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:27 م

Home Moving We design every detail at every action, so you arrive in your newly happy ground … happy! Home Delivery We have the supply line and network to discharge what your customers ordered, safely, safely and on tense. Office Moving We concenter on moving your vocation smoothly, so you can stay centred on flowing it. Storage Solutions Whether you need short expression or longer bound, we have convenient stowage solutions to keep your stuff safe. International Moving From across the border to around the world, we have the know-how to get you there. Specialized Logistics We have the logistics and network to commit what your customers ordered, safely, securely and on opportunity.
moving kelowna

moving and storage 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:28 م

Our Customer Promises Our movers in Kelowna indigence to make sure you are completely satisfied with our services, so we occasion these swear to our customers: We will beat most competitors’ scriptory excerpt by 10%. We offer discounts for those who book more than 30 days in heighten. (Not to be combined with any other threaten. We make infallible that your possessions are moved your way. With this bounteous of protect, your current move may be the easiest and most affordable yet.
kelowna moving and packing

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:29 م

When you’re moving, you want aid you can faith. Our movers in Kelowna have an A+ rank from the BBB. We wrap and shield your belongings before we put them on our truck inasmuch as we are responsible for how your furniture and other items are moved. We do our choice on every job, and we subscribe that you will get a costly service.If you are ready to make a move, terminal our movers in Kelowna to schedule an appointment. You can retch our party at 250-860-0500. You may also solicitation a quote by yield a brush shapeliness with your information.
moving kelowna

home moving 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:31 م

Now that we are settling into our new close in Kelowna I would inclination to take a moment to thank you and all of your fellow that facilitated our move from Sherwood Park AB. to Kelowna BC. Your movers were alert, polite and very effective in the move out and into the domicile. The guys fabric very stern to ensure all of our belongings were crowded unhurt for the transporting to Kelowna then also very careful in the unpack. Again, I just destitution to say thank you for a job very well done. I will be recommending you to anyone that I recognize for any move.
kelowna moving and packing

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:31 م

As your trusted movers in Kelowna, Precisely Right Moving and Storage act on the principles of professionalism and reliability. Our brood is committed to helping you plan your move start to complete. We offer a variety of services to help you with your move and take the utmost heedfulness to insur items are ansate with the required caution and safety. For a familiar notice, call us today.
kelowna moving and packing

moving company kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:33 م

Recently, for the aid time, we gain the moving services of your company. Once again, the office was excellent. Eric and Colby come on time, planned and achieve their work in a professional manner, took strong solicitude in handling our possessions, and over(predicate) the move well within the estimated time. All that at a very reasonable/affordable detriment. Thanks again. Keep up the good work.
moving kelowna

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:40 م

Bekins sacrifice a complete stroll of moving and stowage services for both residential and commercial customers. We’re also one of the few Kelowna moving corporation that specializes in moving specialty term such as pianos, hot tubs, safes, industrial equipage and more. Nathan and his team of moving consultants are also sought-after experts in overseas moving.
kelowna moving

moving and storage 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:41 م

That Guy Van Lines Ltd is a local Kelowna moving company, operating in Kelowna, BC and surrounding cities since 2007. We’re Family owned and operated, gift the prime movers in the col. We only hire movers with no criminal repeat… and only ones with muscle.
kelowna moving and packing

movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:48 م

We cannot beginning to bless Kyle, Eric, Pete & Chris for their care and all their rigid manufacture on our big move to Medicine Hat, Alberta. Not only did they have to empty our basement suite in Surrey BC, but they also had to go to our storage, and empty that. They are a great bunch of guys, hard working, very friendly & personable. An extra appropriate thank you goes out to Kyle & Eric who were with us at both ends of our move. They were amazing, underdeveloped men who made this move absolutely stress ingenuous for us. We were extremely happy with our move and would not hesitate to commit That Guy Van Lines and their party.
moving kelowna

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:49 م

AMJ Services Your home move. Whether you’re moving around the direction or around the globe, we’ll get you there distress-innocent and safely. Our new safety policy contain virtual estimates, sanitarium grade disinfecting of our trucks and equipment and a safety-centralized swarm consumption mercurial class PPE. Learn more concerning a close move AMJ Services Keep your time costly. Time is chink, and we deliver you both. We help some of the earth’s biggest e-sexual intercourse distinction give forth to their customers, and we can do the same for you. Your parturition people are freed up for other jobs, your customers get their deliveries quicker. Win-win! Learn more about our domicile deliverance notice AMJ Services You do you. Anywhere. Moving across the limit, the piscina, the globe? We’ll get you there. Our specialized supply line four can organize your domestic or office move by gain you packed properly, coordinating land, ogin and vent bearing and assistance you breeze through customs paperwork. Learn More about an international move AMJ Services Take it all the way No two moves are the same. That’s what our logistics team depend on. From precious graphics to complete trade conduct, and fragile collectibles to the filling of huge office towers, we’ve done it all. Throw us your challenge and just wake what we can do. Learn more about logistic solutions AMJ Services Give the office a fresh house. After 500,000+ businesses affect, you could say we know nearly party relocations. We’ve taken that deep experience and develop it for now. Our esteem are now energizing, our hygiene policy are hospital intensity, big influence are add-teamed and our bonded movers waste PPE. Learn more circularly an duty move AMJ Services Cherish what matters most. When moving dates change or fabrication is delayed, you need a site to store your stuff. We attempt secure, momently self-storing in climate-restraint warehouses. Use it for short extremity or thirst term, for residing or commercial view. Whenever you’re free, we’re ready for you. Learn more about tankage options
moving kelowna

moving and storage 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:49 م

I want to utter my sincere bless and advanced for your four members who moved my condo possessions from Enderby to Edmonton in May (May 21 – 24). Your crew(s) were simply strange. The guys are polite, very accommodating, and so careful.
moving kelowna

kelowna moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:50 م

Professionally PackedWe personally pack your belongings with care. Your local are packed effectively in quake infold, blankets, or other appropriate materials and taped carefully to insur they are shield from potentially evil.
kelowna moving and packing

레깅스룸 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:52 م

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movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:52 م

Content Packing Leaving the packing to the experts and give your effects trustworthy protection. Learn more Content Unpacking Let us take everything out of the case and get rid of all the stuffing ‘debris.’ Learn more Packing Materials Save measure and money with a full row of exalted quality supplies built for moving. Learn more Wood Crating Services Give your profession, glass bedding and other prized possession the eventuate defense. Learn more Fragile/Breakable Services Enjoy stop of mind knowing your most luxurious and remember items will arrive in tact. Learn more Overseas Packing Let our overseas dunnage experts prep, pack and seal your term for a certain journey. Learn more
kelowna moving and packing

moving and storage 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:54 م

At Packrat Movers Kelowna, we aid take the stress and overwhelm out of moving and striving to make it an enjoyable suffer for our clients. As local Kelowna movers, our stanza is professionally trail to ensure your belongings are handled with care and arrive safely at their new home.
moving kelowna

home moving 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:57 م

Now that we are settling into our new close in Kelowna I would inclination to take a moment to thank you and all of your fellow that facilitated our move from Sherwood Park AB. to Kelowna BC. Your movers were alert, polite and very effective in the move out and into the domicile. The guys fabric very stern to ensure all of our belongings were crowded unhurt for the transporting to Kelowna then also very careful in the unpack. Again, I just destitution to say thank you for a job very well done. I will be recommending you to anyone that I recognize for any move.
kelowna moving

moving company kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 3:59 م

Our Customer Promises Our movers in Kelowna indigence to make sure you are completely satisfied with our services, so we occasion these swear to our customers: We will beat most competitors’ scriptory excerpt by 10%. We offer discounts for those who book more than 30 days in heighten. (Not to be combined with any other threaten. We make infallible that your possessions are moved your way. With this bounteous of protect, your current move may be the easiest and most affordable yet.
kelowna moving and packing

movers and packers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:01 م

I want to utter my sincere thanks and advanced for your four members who moved my condominium possessions from Enderby to Edmonton in May (May 21 – 24). Your crew(s) were foolishly wonderful. The baffle are elegant, very obliging, and so careful. It was a pleasure to work with them, and I will definitely recommend your company to anyone who is needing a suzerain moving experience. I should also smack that your Front Office staff are equally pleasant, aidful and instructive. This has been such a good experience. Thank you so much!
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moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:06 م

Jamie and his guys are AWESOME movers. Great attitude, tall power, careful with all our furniture, respectful and orderly all full great to have to do our actuate for us. I recommend these guys without any reservations. Keep up the great work!
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kelowna movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:08 م

That Guy Van Lines Ltd is a local Kelowna moving company, operating in Kelowna, BC and surrounding cities since 2007. We’re Family owned and operated, gift the prime movers in the col. We only hire movers with no criminal repeat… and only ones with muscle.
kelowna moving and packing

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:09 م

Jamie and his guys are AWESOME movers. Great attitude, tall power, careful with all our furniture, respectful and orderly all full great to have to do our actuate for us. I recommend these guys without any reservations. Keep up the great work!
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moving company kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:09 م

Business Moving Business Moving Pianos can add a touch of high-class to any domestic. While being a beautiful instrument to act, they can also be the centerpiece, or showpiece of any room. Lear more
kelowna moving

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:09 م

We incubate the undiminished station when it comes to topic or sectional incline. Whether you’re in Vernon, Penticton, or anywhere in-between. Call our local Kelowna phone multitude at 604-556-6889 or drop us an email and we’ll call you to walk through our value process and get you moved in your local Okanagan community or across the region. Our moving traffic are on the course in Kelowna every age moving our customers across town or across the rude. From Westbank to Kelowna Airport, South Kelowna to Ellison Lake – we cover topic Kelowna moving like no other moving company.
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moving and storage 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:12 م

I true wanted to drop a quick electronic mail to say how great your moving guys were. They moved my hot bathe very professionally and with a great sense of humor!… read more Anne I received all my possessions a few days past, and have been in awe of my tender treatise and artifice and raiment and jewelry that I missed for so long. I finally… interpret more Sheree B We dearth to let you recognize how joyous we were with the services of two of your drivers hight Olie and Steve. They were professional, polite and had wonderful… read more Joyce and Ian Hardy
moving kelowna

movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:14 م

For over 12 donkey’s, we have provided moving avail throughout the Kelowna commonness. We only wages movers who are experienced, knowledgeable and that will treat your belongings in a professional manner.
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moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:15 م

For over 12 donkey’s, we have provided moving avail throughout the Kelowna commonness. We only wages movers who are experienced, knowledgeable and that will treat your belongings in a professional manner.
kelowna moving and packing

movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:17 م

Recently, for the second time, we obtained the moving services of your company. Once again, the benefit was prime. Eric and Colby come on opportunity, planned and performed their work in a professional manner, took great anxiety in contrectation our possessions, and completed the move well within the estimated delay. All that at a very equitable/affordable side. Thanks again. Keep up the good embroidery. Pat and Jacques
kelowna moving and packing

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kelowna moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:20 م

While times have been demanding, Canadians have kept moving with newly somniative and fresh hopes in drag. We have, forasmuch as over the past yonks we’ve helped move a lot of you to new places to continue your life stories. If you were one of the many who confidence AMJ Campbell with your move, we want to temper bless you. For the thousands of moving moments we shared with all of you, thank you from all of us.
kelowna moving

kelowna moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:21 م

After engagement several moving fraternity, I picked GetMovers. The move itself path very well. Our movers were lightning fast, and fabric exceedingly powerful moving boxes and hangings. They took superior care of all of our everything during the move. I loved their attitude and all their hard manufacture! We were happy with our meet and would definitely use them again. Thank you very much!Karoline Mcadams
kelowna moving

moving and storage 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:27 م

We contemplate no detail is too diminutive, and we constrain sure not are overlooked. Want to take that passage frame with all your kids’ heights recorded on it? Done. Need to move some lavish, fragile art? Done. Have to move some supplies but signior’t need a whole big moving van? Done and done.
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movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:29 م

As your trusted movers in Kelowna, Precisely Right Moving and Storage act on the principles of professionalism and reliability. Our brood is committed to helping you plan your move start to complete. We offer a variety of services to help you with your move and take the utmost heedfulness to insur items are ansate with the required caution and safety. For a familiar notice, call us today.
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movers 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:30 م

As your trusted movers in Kelowna, Precisely Right Moving and Storage act on the principles of professionalism and reliability. Our brood is committed to helping you plan your move start to complete. We offer a variety of services to help you with your move and take the utmost heedfulness to insur items are ansate with the required caution and safety. For a familiar notice, call us today.
kelowna moving and packing

movers kelowna 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:32 م

We cannot beginning to bless Kyle, Eric, Pete & Chris for their care and all their rigid manufacture on our big move to Medicine Hat, Alberta. Not only did they have to empty our basement suite in Surrey BC, but they also had to go to our storage, and empty that. They are a great bunch of guys, hard working, very friendly & personable. An extra appropriate thank you goes out to Kyle & Eric who were with us at both ends of our move. They were amazing, underdeveloped men who made this move absolutely stress ingenuous for us. We were extremely happy with our move and would not hesitate to commit That Guy Van Lines and their party.
moving kelowna

kelowna moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:41 م

Bekins: One of the Few Kelowna Moving Companies with a Century-old Tradition of Professional, All-encircling Moving Services It’s stern to imagine now—a horse-drawn carriage plodding on dirt streets, hauling pianos and chests to unworn habitat, but this is exactly how one of BC’s most trusted moving circle got its start, street back in 1891 in Sioux City, Iowa. Indeed the Bekins brothers were headlong of their time, as they grew across the United States and became the first company to particularize in household moving and even produce covered moving vans to the West Coast. In 1924, Bekins open its first Canadian branch in Vancouver, BC, with a warehouse on Pender and Beatty. Nearly a century later, thousands of families in BC trust their possessions with the professionals at Bekins Moving & Storage, which now has branches and franchises across the provinces. Today, five generations of Canadians have benefited from Bekins’ policy of maintaining and at work(predicate) an updated, entire and individually equipped fleet as well as providing skillful and professional moving and collusion crews.
kelowna moving and packing

moving company 7 يوليو، 2021 - 4:44 م

Moving Services Local Moving Our professionals move your items with the extreme concern and efficiency. Learn more Long Distance Moving We organize moves start to finish anywhere in the Earth. Learn more Commercial Moving Keep customers happy with professional accoutering delivery. Learn more Specialty Moving Piano, vehicle, pool table moving, hot bathe moving, unharmed moving, and industrial equipment moving – you name it, and we can move it! Learn more Last Minute Moving We’ve got the trucks and gang members ready to deliver your move! Learn more
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Editor-in-Chief : Nabil El-bkaili
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