الأحد, مارس 9, 2025
الأحد, مارس 9, 2025
Home » دلال البزري من تورنتو : نساء من أفغانستان يحملنَ السلاح لمواجهة “طالبان”

دلال البزري من تورنتو : نساء من أفغانستان يحملنَ السلاح لمواجهة “طالبان”

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الإصلاحات الآتية على جناح الغازي الأجنبي تعاني من المعضلة الكلاسيكية: كيف تكون حرية وتكون أجنبية غازية و”كافرة” في الوقت نفسه؟

العربي الجديد \ دلال البزري \ كاتبة وباحثة لبنانية

باختصار: حصّلت النساء الأفغانيات حقوقاً في التعليم والعمل والصحة في ظل النظام الماركسي الذي حكم بلادهن، في سبعينيات القرن الماضي، فكنّ طبيبات، محاميات، مهندسات، صحافيات، ضابطات في الجيش، جامعيات، وزيرات… والاجتياح السوفييتي لبلادهن في نهاية السبعينيات هذه لم يَنَلْ منها.

بقيت هذه الحقوق سارية، بعد ثلاث سنوات من الانسحاب السوفييتي. ولكنها تعطّلت مع صعود “المجاهدين” إلى السلطة عام 1992. وكان لهؤلاء موقفٌ هو النقيض تماماً: ممنوع على النساء الخروج لأي غرضٍ كان، للمدرسة، أو الطبيب أو السوق، إلا برفقة “مَحرَم”، وتحت البُرْقع الأفغاني: تلك القماشة الفضْفاضة التي تغطي الجسم كله. تطلّ صاحبته على دنيا الخارج عبر “نافذة” على وجهها، تشبه قفص عصافير متناهية الصِغَر، تراكَ عبره، بصعوبة، بغَمزة العين، ولا ترى أنتَ منها شيئاً. أيضاً: زواج القاصرات، زواج “الثأر” (المسمّى “باشتون والي”) والقائم على مبادَلة امرأة أو أكثر بدِيّة قتيل، زواج التعدّد، الضرب الحلال والقتل المُباح. وبعد ذلك، ممنوع ورود اسم أي امرأة على بطاقة الهوية أو أي معاملة أو حتى على شاهد قبرها. اسمها، هويتها: ابنة رجل أو أخته أو زوجته.

  • محاربة الإرهاب والدفاع عن حقوق المرأة لا يساويان شيئاً أمام حسابات المصالح والرؤى

بعد أربع سنوات، سقطَ “المجاهدون” وجاء حكم “طالبان”، فتناول هذه الممنوعات، وأمعن في تطبيقها، وبالغَ في الذهاب بها بعيداً حتى أنزلَ ستارة من حديد على الأفغانيات. ثم حصلت هجمات “11 سبتمبر” الإرهابية على الأبراج الأميركية (2001)، فكان الردّ الأميركي سريعاً، بأن منفّذها، أسامة بن لادن، يحتمي بـ”طالبان”، حكام أفغانستان، وبأن الطريقة الأنجح للثأر منه هي الإعداد العسكري لغزوها، واقتلاع حكمهم، بالاشتراك مع الحلفاء الغربيين.

وبعد إقلاع حجة “محاربة الإرهاب” من منابر الإعلام والسياسة، والتي لم تجِد صدى رحباً وسط الرأي العام الغربي، وربما العالمي .. كانت تلك الحجة المتعلقة بالنساء الأفغانيات. أنظر إلى ما قاله وقتها كبار القادة الأميركيين حول غزوهم هذه البلاد: الرئيس الأميركي جورج بوش: “العلَم الأميركي يرفْرف مجدداً فوق سفارتنا في كابول.. اليوم النساء الأفغانيات أصبحنَ حرّات”. وزير دفاعه، دونالد رامسفيلد: “أُفضّل الموت على أن أرى النساء الأفغانيات دقيقة واحدة تحت رحْمة طالبان”. وزير خارجيته، كولن باول: “حقوق نساء أفغانستان ليست قابلة للتفاوض”.

ومن أجل هذا الهدف السامي، خاضت الولايات المتحدة وحلفاؤها حرباً على أفغانستان، دامت 20 سنة، صرفت فيها 20 مليار دولار، وتكبّدت 3500 قتيل من جنودها، فضلاً عن الجرحى والمعاقين، وقتلت أكثر من مائتي ألف أفغاني، بين عسكري ومدني، وجرحت العدد نفسه. ونصَّبت حكوماتٍ اتسمت بالفساد وبقلّة الحيلة، حملت معها بعض حقوق المرأة: عيّنت وزيرتين، فتحت القليل من المدارس للبنات، نجحت في المدن أكثر من القرى. ومنذ سنة، حققت أهم إنجازاتها، بمبادرة من إحدى المواطنات، وتحت هاشتاغ # أين اسمي؟ فصار بإمكان الأفغانيات ان يسجّلنَ أسماءهن على بطاقات الهوية وشهادات الولادة، وولادة أولادهن، وعلى شواهد قبورهن.

الآن، ماذا يحصل؟ الأميركيون قرّروا الانسحاب من أفغانستان، هم وحلفاؤهم. يغادرونها تباعاً، سكّيتي، تحت جنح الظلام، من دون احتفالاتٍ وداعيةٍ ولا عروض عسكرية، ولا موسيقى، ولا مسؤولين “يرعونها”. أسبابهم أنهم تعقّلوا عن أيام الثأر من أسامة بن لادن، الذي تمكّنوا من قتله، وبأن مصلحتهم تقتضي كذا وكيت. ولكنهم خلّفوا وراءهم “هدية” قيّمة، حكومة “ذات شأن”، موالية لهم. والأهم من ذلك كله، في ما يخصّ موضوعنا، أنهم، بعد الخطابات الرنّانة عن المرأة، وبعد الجهود التي بذلوها هم وجمعياتهم من أجل إبراز تقدّم حال الأفغانيات في ظل حكومات موالية لهم .. ها هم يغلّبون مصلحتهم، رؤيتهم، على القضايا “العادلة” التي رفعوا شعار التضحية من أجلها في أفغانستان، فمحاربة الإرهاب والدفاع عن حقوق المرأة لا يساويان شيئاً أمام حسابات تلك المصالح والرؤى.

  • رجال “طالبان” لم ينتظروا الموعد النهائي لإخلاء العسكر الأميركيين وحلفائهم. وها هم يدقّون أبواب المدن، يجتاحون الريف

ورجال “طالبان” لم ينتظروا الموعد النهائي لإخلاء العسكر الأميركيين وحلفائهم، أي 11 سبتمبر/ أيلول المقبل. وها هم يدقّون أبواب المدن، يجتاحون الريف، ويحقّقون انتشاراً يغطّي، حتى الآن، 85% من أراضي أفغانستان. فكان الخطر على القليل الذي أحرزته الحكومات الموالية للغرب في حقوق النساء. ومن أجل هذا القليل، حصلت تظاهراتٌ نسائيةٌ مسلحةٌ في مناطق الشمال الأفغاني، حيث لم تصل “طالبان” بعد. أعلنت المشتركات فيها، وهن حاملات الرشاشات، أنهن سوف يقاومن إجراءات “طالبان” حتى الموت، وأنهن لا يخشين المواجهات. وكان بعض منهن يعبّر عن فرحته، بأن طالبانيين سيُقتَلون على أيديهن. وهذه ذروة العار عندهم: أن يُقتل واحدٌ منهم على يد امرأة.

ثمّة ما يُنذر بحرب طاحنة، طويلة أو قصيرة، فمن الواضح أن المزيد من التشدّد أخذ طريقه في المناطق التي استعادها مسلحو “طالبان”، وعودة الى سجون أكثر إحكاما مما كان. .. ماذا يمكن القول بخصوص هذه المسألة؟ أشياء قد تكون متناقضة:

– أن قضية النساء، مثل كل القضايا التي أصبحت لها صفة “العادلة” عند أصحابها، يمكن أن تتحوّل إلى ذريعة حرب. استخدمها الأميركيون وحلفاؤهم خير استخدام، فمرّت بسلاسة على الرأي العام الغربي، وصرتَ تقرأ وقتها كتباً ومقالاتٍ تشرح للمرأة الأفغانية كيف يجب أن تكون، أن تنظّف، أن ترتّب .. إلخ. وهنا، كانت ذريعة حساباتٍ جيوسياسية ساذجة، ومدمّرة في الآن عينه. وانتهت بذاك الفشل والفوضى العارمَين الآن في أفغانستان، وانقلاب في التحالفات وموازين القوى، قد تجرّ إلى حروبٍ أهليةٍ مدعومة مموَّلة، ورسائل دموية بين هذا الجار وذاك، لا نرى فيها وضعية للمرأة غير ضحية الضحايا.

– الإصلاحات الآتية من فوق، في موضوع النساء تحديداً، لا تُكتب لها الحياة الصحية الطويلة. قد تدوم، بسلسلةٍ من الأهازيج، والتقليعات، والدعم الإعلامي، أو وسط بيئةٍ ضيقةٍ ومحدّدة، مدينية، ميسورة ومفتوحة على الخارج. ولكنها، في كل الأحوال، تحتاج إلى قاعدة اجتماعية واسعة متينة، إلى خفّة التقاليد والعادات، وإلى أشياء أخرى، لا يبدو المجتمع الأفغاني الآن مستعدا لتلقّفها، فيما هو يرحّب بالقوات الطالبانية العائدة كاملةً، بعد نصف غياب.

– والإصلاحات الآتية على جناح الغازي الأجنبي تعاني من المعضلة الكلاسيكية: كيف تكون حرية وتكون أجنبية غازية و”كافرة” في الوقت نفسه؟ هذا ما ستلعب عليه “طالبان”بسهولة فائقة. حقوق آتية مع الشرّ، لا يمكن أن تكون غير شر.

– ومع ذلك، لا وحدة إسلامية مع “طالبان” حول هذا الشأن، فأي امرأةٍ عائشةٍ في بلد إسلامي، حتى في إيران المتشدّدة، سوف ترى نفسها محظوظةً بأن الله لم يخلقها أفغانية. ناهيك عن بلدان إسلامية تجاوزت فيها النساء حقوق التعليم والعمل، وبلغنَ المناصب العليا. أو بلدان إسلامية أخرى، بدأت تأخذ الاتجاه النقيض للتوجّه الطالباني، وتُبرِز نساءها في مواقع متقدّمة عما كانت عليه. وهذا التفاوت صاغه قِدَم العلاقة بالغرب، غزواً أو احتلالاً أو انتداباً، أو حتى مجرَّد تثاقُف سلمي حضاري.

– النساء الحاملات سلاحاً بوجه “طالبان”، مزيج من التهوّر والبطولة. معارك ستكون قاسية ولكنها ضرورية. هكذا تعتقد النساء الرافضات للعودة إلى العيش في ظلالهم. غالبيتهن العظمى من أهل المدينة، لا الريف، أي البقع التي تمكّنت “حضارة التحرّر” من أن تصل إليها، والتي باتَ يحاصرها تنظيم “طالبان” الآن.

– والخشية من ضعف الغرب وصعود أنظمةٍ شرقيةٍ تسلّطيةٍ ذكوريةٍ صميمية، لا تعترف بالمرأة ولا بحقوق الإنسان.. أن تكون العصور القادمة هي عصور الردّة عن تحرّر النساء. والبشائر بدأت تطفو على السطح، وقد يكون ما نرى منها ليس سوى رأس الجليد.

المزيد عن : محاربة الإرهاب\حقوق الإنسان\11 سبتمبر






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Free Rp 20 يوليو، 2021 - 12:29 ص

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It is the biggest moba game where strategy, excitement and competition come together.
There are many different modes in this game, which has its own champions and variety.
You can rank the most popular mode by rank and become one of the best players.

The game, where two teams compete against each
other, is so famous in the world that there are many major leagues and tournaments today.
It has a considerable mass in our country. In addition, the game receives great updates
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Free Accounts 20 يوليو، 2021 - 2:28 ص

Free Xbox Live Accounts With Games 2021 | Xbox Gold Account ,
What is Xbox Live? Xbox Live, which you can use on your Xbox devices,
is an online network that acts as a digital marketplace.

Microsoft even holds all commercial ownership of Xbox Live.

It was first released for the Xbox brand in 2002, and when the year 2005
showed, it started its service life with Xbox 360.

It was later developed further and became an indispensable part of the Xbox.
Just as PlayStation has Network, Live has come into play here.

Free Xbox Live Accounts

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Free Accounts 20 يوليو، 2021 - 12:06 م

Free Minecraft Account (Premium) 2021 | Accounts List , What is Minecraft?
Minecraft, which was created by Notch and published under the name of Mojang in 2011,
is a game that promises us eternity in a world where everything is cube.

The game has continued to be updated to the present day.

Later, Mojang company and Free Minecraft Account were sold and entered under Microsoft.
A full $ 2.5 billion was paid. There are different versions of
Minecraft for 3 different platforms. These are Java Edition, Bedrock Edition and Education Edition. It
has managed to be the best selling game ever, selling more than 180 million total.

Free Minecraft Account

Free Accounts 20 يوليو، 2021 - 1:59 م

Spotify Free Account (Premium) 2021 | Free Spotify Accounts , What is Spotify?
While people used to listen to music with CDs and cassettes in the past, today’s internet technology has greatly affected the music industry.

While platforms such as Youtube continued to share music as side content,
big names only interested in music emerged. The
leading ones of these are; Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and Tidal.
In addition, we can listen to music on the internet with many more such services.
Spotfiy, the most popular of these, is a music platform actively used by millions of people.

Spotify Free Account

Free Accounts 20 يوليو، 2021 - 3:57 م

Mega Free Accounts 2021 | Mega.nz Free Account And Password , What is Mega.nz?
Mega.nz is a cloud storage system. Here you can store your own personal data or share it with other people.

Usually used by download sites, Mega.nz gives its members a large free 50 GB space in the first stage.
Of course, this cloud service, which has a very easy interface, also has a paid membership system.
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Free Accounts 20 يوليو، 2021 - 6:55 م

Nitroflare Free Accounts Premium 2021 | Account And Password ,
What is NitroFlare? NitroFlare is a cloud storage service.

Basically, its goal is provided for users to transfer files
and to provide it in a secure way. It also
ensures that your files are always kept in backup so
that they are safe and distributed faster. In addition to being
a large company, NitroFlare has more users day by day.
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So we will share free premium accounts. In this content, we share free scribd login information for you.
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All you have to do is have a scribd account and log in. So after logging in, there is not
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Free Accounts 21 يوليو، 2021 - 12:17 ص

Free Tiktok Accounts 2021 | Tik Tok Account And
Password , What is TikTok? TikTok, or Douyin as it is known in China, is
a video creation and sharing platform made in the style of Musical.ly.
It also provided the opportunity to broadcast live. It was first released on the market
in September 2016. Its developer is ByteDance. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of users since last year,
and its market value has doubled. It has become one of the most used social media platforms in the global world.

Free Tiktok Accounts

Free Accounts 21 يوليو، 2021 - 2:13 ص

Free Steam Accounts (With Games) 2021 | Account & Passwords , Released 17 years ago, Steam is a digital game download application that brought the end of an era and
started a new era. It was developed by Valve Corporation; It is written in Java, C ++ and Objective-C languages.

Years ago, people bought games, movies and documentary-style media, but they were buying them from stores in boxes.
Nowadays, people can buy them from where they sit, thanks to Steam and similar platforms.
Although it is not something that belongs to you physically, you can collect it
on your profile in the digital world. I would also like to point out that the prices
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country until 2014, switched to Turkish Lira
and fixed rate on 22 October 2014.
Free Steam Accounts

Free Accounts 21 يوليو، 2021 - 7:00 ص

Free Uptobox Premium Accounts 2021 | Free Account, What is Uptobox?
If you want to keep your files or documents safe in the digital environment, Uptobox provides this for you.

In addition, if you have a download platform, you can share your files for your users and
have them download it. If you want a significant amount of storage space, Unlike other service providers Uptobox provides a large capacity for you.

Unlike Google Drive and Yandex Disk, which have similar features,
Uptobox offers you more control, so you can exceed file size limits and benefit from more
features based on pricing.
Free Uptobox Premium Accounts

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Free Steam Keys 2021 | New Free Wallet, Games Code And Keys
, yeni steam kodları veriyoruz. If you are looking for free and the best steam codes,
you are on the right page. Steam is one of the
most popular apps in the world. This application is actually something like a game market.
So this game market is the most popular game market in the world.
If you’re looking for a game and can’t find it, you can find it by searching on steam.
In fact, when you search for a game on google,
you will already see steam. Steam is such a high quality
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Free Accounts 21 يوليو، 2021 - 12:26 م

VK Account Free 2021 | Free VK Accounts Login And Password
, What is VK? VK, popular in Russia, is seen as the Facebook of those places.
It was started to be used in October 2006 and has reached more than 140 million members within 6 years.
Founded by Pavel Durov, this platform is seen as a Facebook alternative.

It also has better features than Facebook. While 12 percent
of the company’s share belongs to Pavel. 33 percent is said to be in Mail.Ru.

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Free Accounts 21 يوليو، 2021 - 2:31 م

Paypal Free Accounts 2021 | With Money Account And Password , What is PayPal?

PayPal, an online payment system where you can shop online with or without credit cards, was established in California in 1998.
It was founded by Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Ken Howery,
Yu Pan and Max Levchin. The It has local websites
in Belgium, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Spain, the United States of America and the United
Kingdom. It works here without any problems. Supervision Agency in 2016 and its operations ceased.
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Free Accounts 21 يوليو، 2021 - 6:44 م

Free Msp Accounts (Vip) 2021 | New MovieStarPlanet Password , movie star planet
is one of the best games. This game generally appeals to a child audience.
For this reason, the players of the game are generally composed of children. In fact, older players are also
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they are. If you want a game that is really actionable and where
you can make a lover, the answer is msp. Msp stands for movie star planet.
It must mean like a movie star world. If you are wondering more,
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you will love the game. If you are a really good gamer you
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Free Accounts 21 يوليو، 2021 - 10:13 م

Free Runescape Accounts 2021 | With Gold Account & Passwords , Today we will give you runescape accounts.
These accounts belong entirely to us and are shared exclusively for you.
If you are bored on the internet, you are on the right page.

In fact, we had this situation many years ago.
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If we have a flaw or a problem, send us an e-mail, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
So if you have written for a suggestion, complaint or advertisement offer, we
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Free Accounts 22 يوليو، 2021 - 1:26 ص

HBO GO Free Account 2021 | Login Account Username And Password
, We will share the most robust hbo go accounts. If you are tired of watching TV at home, you are on the right page.
We can call it the combination of television with the internet or its combination with hbo go.

There are many aspects of television that you may not know yet.

These aspects are many areas such as action, movies, science fiction,
horror adventure. There are movies or TV series you want but if
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Free Overwatch Accounts 2021 | Account Name And
Password , we will share with you overwatch accounts.
These accounts belong entirely to us. Actually I never
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I was prejudiced at first, but immediately
after I played the game, I saw that my prejudice was broken. You ask why; because the game is
so legendary. So there are many different characters in the game and you can choose
any of these characters. For example, even if you
are a man, you can choose a female character. So this is something entirely up to your personal taste.
If you say that I will be myself, you can choose a character that suits you best and resembles you.
After choosing the character you want, enter the
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Free Overwatch Accounts

renezan 22 يوليو، 2021 - 11:37 ص

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Free Accounts 22 يوليو، 2021 - 12:51 م

Free Email Addresses 2021 | New Mail Accounts and Passwords , hello guys.
Today we will be giving away free email
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Of course I’m kidding, we will always share content, don’t worry.
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Free Accounts 22 يوليو، 2021 - 3:07 م

Tanki Online Free Accounts 2021 | Free Account
And Passwords , So we will give you the best tank online accounts.

So tanki is one of the most popular online games of recent times.
So you ask why; There are many people who love war games.
So you can find the tension, passion and lust of war in this game.
Build a tank vehicle or your army of tanks and try to take down the opponent.

So you will see that the game can be enjoyed a lot. If you want, you can move forward to become the most powerful tank.

Why is the tank online; Special for those who want to experience
a more rooted, quality and smooth gaming experience than other tanks, war games.

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Free Accounts 22 يوليو، 2021 - 8:08 م

Discord Free Accounts 2021 | Discord Account And Password ,
discord bir ortam, etkileşim. In fact, discord can be thought of as a lot of places
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used for communication and chat, hosting game servers.
So if you are looking for a chat environment, discord may be just for you.
You ask why; no ads, privacy, quality, speed.
So what more could a person want after finding these in a chat.
So please install discord and continue if you think like me.
After installing Discord, you need to login. So if you do not
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log in. So to log in, create a discord account and log in with that account information. If you do not have an account and are having trouble creating an account, we
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Free Accounts 22 يوليو، 2021 - 9:28 م

Clash Royale Account Free 2021 | Gems, Accounts & Password , Nobody knows
the game of clash royale. This game has been appealing to many players since years ago.

It is a deep-rooted game with a huge player base.
People didn’t know this game at first, and as time went by, it became known. The game is entirely for action, tactics
and adventure lovers. If you like strategy, this game is for you.
While playing the game, you may have difficulties at first, this
is very normal. As time passed, you would begin to understand the game and
play it fully. And that’s when you might think you are
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fully comprehend the game, you will act in a very
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Shutterstock Free images | Free Account and Passwords 2021 , I will give
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We have purchased accounts for you on the shutterstock site and presented them to you.
So if you want, you can also have one or more of these
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If you need a professional photo, shutterstock is for
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Free Accounts 23 يوليو، 2021 - 1:24 ص

Darkorbit Free Accounts 2021 | New Free Account And Password.
DarkOrbit is a web-based space game that has
been in service for many years. It is one of the rare web-based games that has managed to
maintain its popularity until today. It has a
theme that deals with war and space. So it has a large player base in the world.
It has also increased from time to time in our country and has managed to gather large
masses. The game has been very popular in the past, as it is completely
in Turkish. In 2006, Bigpoint Games company released the game.
Although there has been a decline in the number of players from time to
time since its release, it still hosts a considerably large audience.

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Free Accounts 23 يوليو، 2021 - 12:02 م

Free Boom Beach Accounts (Diamonds) 2021 | Account & Password .
One of the leading names in the mobile gaming industry, Supercell’s recently famous game Boom Beach is a strategy game.

It attracts great attention in our country and has managed to cause a boom in the mobile game
industry. You have an island in this game that looks like a side game of
Clash of Clans and you develop your island against attacks by improving it.
You can also capture spoils by attacking other islands.
By developing your strategy well, you need to protect your island and develop further by organizing attacks.
You have an economy in the game and you are
responsible for keeping it balanced.
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What is Freepik? Freepik first appeared in 2010. A design group consisting of three people came up with this project.
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Lino Barthelmes 16 سبتمبر، 2024 - 1:27 م

No More Bowl: Top 5 Best Dog Feeder Toys. It’s a fact that most modern day dogs have become lazy at meal times. While their ancestors spent their days engaging their brains by hunting and scavenging for their meals, nowadays all they have to do is lay down in the living room waiting for their dish to magically fill up with kibble! What owners don’t realize is that by allowing their dogs to become lazy and by ignoring their need to search for food, their furry friends can quickly become bored and destructive leading to countless chewed up furniture and slippers! Add a Special Twist to Your Dog’s Eating Habits! If your dog is home alone for a good part of the day, it’s likely that the three biggest perks of his daily routine are seeing you come home, going for a walk and eating his meal. If you are feeding your dog from a food bowl, your dog is likely drooling in anticipation as you prepare his meal. Then, once the food bowl is put down, the meal is wolfed down in record time. Eating that food so fast can lead to choking and even health problems such as regurgitation, flatulence and, in a worst case scenario, life-threatening bloat! On top of that, what a waste! The food in the bowl could have been put to a more produtive use to mentally stimulate your dog and give him a little more exercise. You can read more info here : https://bit.ly/Dogs-Training-Guide

Cathey Wachter 7 ديسمبر، 2024 - 2:10 م

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Willian Sorrell 14 ديسمبر، 2024 - 2:48 م

Get paid to chat – Apply now! $25-$35 / hr ! Are you searching for a job that can be done right away? If so, countless businesses are hiring website chat support agents – no experience is needed, as full training will be provided. As an agent, your duties involve assisting customers with any inquiries they may have through the business’s website, such as questions on discount codes and refund policies. Everything you need to help them is supplied in a document that comes with your role. Additionally, a supervisor will be available if ever tricky questions arise. This contract does not have a fixed length and pays $25-$35 per hour for those who work around 5+ hours weekly. The necessary requirements include access to social media and website chats via a laptop or mobile device, the capability of working alone, being able to stick closely to steps and instructions, plus having a dependable internet connection. Are you ready to take up this opportunity? Click here : https://bit.ly/AmazonOnlineChatSupport to indicate your interest!

Patrice Birkeland 30 ديسمبر، 2024 - 1:34 م

Woodworking is a lot more than just a hobby, it can be a great way to earn a considerable amount of money. Before starting woodworking as a business, it would be important for you to first evaluate the market demand and determining the kind of products that are demanded locally.Initially, focusing on woodwork products that are practical is wise since they would be easier to sell. However, the opportunities in the market don’t end there. Opportunities are present in small outlet shops, malls, crafts and arts fairs, flea markets and trade shows.As the business grows, you may also want to create custom designs and sell them to specialty stores and furniture shops. Currently there are plenty of opportunities for woodwork in home décor and fashion industries too. Beautifully created home accessories will always be very popular. Those with an artistic flair also have opportunities to reap from the creation of frames, sculptures and art objects. Selling woodwork products online is also another option.You can find more info here: https://bit.ly/Wood-Workings

Ela Beniquez 3 فبراير، 2025 - 5:43 م

The best tips and tricks to mushroom growing ! Mushroom growing is really not all that difficult if you know what you’re doing. While it is true that mushrooms can prove a real health hazard if you allow the mushrooms you’re growing to become contaminated by wild mushrooms, in reality this rarely happens unless you decide to grow your mushrooms outdoors. If you decide to grow your mushrooms outdoors, please be warned that you must be an expert at recognizing the strain of mushroom that you’re growing. A person cultivating mushrooms usually provides an ideal environment in which the mushrooms can thrive, and if you do this outdoors, it’s quite possible that strains of wild mushrooms will try to take advantage of the ideal growing conditions that you’re providing. This is impossible to counter as mushrooms spread via microscopic spores blown by the wind, and these microscopic spores will inevitably infest the growing environment that you have provided for your mushrooms. This wouldn’t be a problem if there were not so many strains of deadly poisonous mushrooms among wild mushrooms species. Actually, no matter how confident you are of being able to recognize safe mushrooms, you should still preferably grow your mushrooms indoors. This really is your best bet because it is much more difficult for wild spores to infest such a controlled environment. And this decreases the chances of a dangerous accident occurring. So, how long do mushrooms really take to grow? Well the mushroom growing period can obviously vary from species to species but your mushrooms will usually take at least a week or so to put out their mycelia. After that, the growing process begins, and your mushrooms will be ready for harvesting about eight weeks into this period. Don’t be fazed by the long growing times, because mushrooms actually take much less time to grow than a great many other food crops, and the fact that they grow so quickly is an added and considerable advantage. If you want to have mushrooms regularly, then all you need to do is to ensure that you plant a great many of them at staggered intervals, so that there are always some mushrooms ready to harvest. This is an easier task than you might think, because it’s just a question of planting more mushrooms in the seedling box trays that they favor. Since mushrooms grow in the dark they require an exceptionally small amount of space. This means that when you go in for mushroom growing at home, you can plant them in trays set in rows, or even on shelves, one on top of the other. You can read more here: https://bit.ly/MushroomGrowing4u !

Jewel Bucklin 3 فبراير، 2025 - 9:41 م

The best tips and tricks to mushroom growing ! Mushroom growing is really not all that difficult if you know what you’re doing. While it is true that mushrooms can prove a real health hazard if you allow the mushrooms you’re growing to become contaminated by wild mushrooms, in reality this rarely happens unless you decide to grow your mushrooms outdoors. If you decide to grow your mushrooms outdoors, please be warned that you must be an expert at recognizing the strain of mushroom that you’re growing. A person cultivating mushrooms usually provides an ideal environment in which the mushrooms can thrive, and if you do this outdoors, it’s quite possible that strains of wild mushrooms will try to take advantage of the ideal growing conditions that you’re providing. This is impossible to counter as mushrooms spread via microscopic spores blown by the wind, and these microscopic spores will inevitably infest the growing environment that you have provided for your mushrooms. This wouldn’t be a problem if there were not so many strains of deadly poisonous mushrooms among wild mushrooms species. Actually, no matter how confident you are of being able to recognize safe mushrooms, you should still preferably grow your mushrooms indoors. This really is your best bet because it is much more difficult for wild spores to infest such a controlled environment. And this decreases the chances of a dangerous accident occurring. So, how long do mushrooms really take to grow? Well the mushroom growing period can obviously vary from species to species but your mushrooms will usually take at least a week or so to put out their mycelia. After that, the growing process begins, and your mushrooms will be ready for harvesting about eight weeks into this period. Don’t be fazed by the long growing times, because mushrooms actually take much less time to grow than a great many other food crops, and the fact that they grow so quickly is an added and considerable advantage. If you want to have mushrooms regularly, then all you need to do is to ensure that you plant a great many of them at staggered intervals, so that there are always some mushrooms ready to harvest. This is an easier task than you might think, because it’s just a question of planting more mushrooms in the seedling box trays that they favor. Since mushrooms grow in the dark they require an exceptionally small amount of space. This means that when you go in for mushroom growing at home, you can plant them in trays set in rows, or even on shelves, one on top of the other. You can read more here: https://bit.ly/MushroomGrowing4u !


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Editor-in-Chief: Nabil El-bkaili

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Editor-in-Chief : Nabil El-bkaili